EDCE - Teaching, Learning, and Culture Course Descriptions

EDCE 0601A Artistic Lab 2

This course is an opportunity for seasoned candidates in the program to collaborate artistically with new candidates. All candidates will facilitate their peers in an artistic experience as they reconnect to their artistry.



EDCE 7204G

EDCE 1300E Negotiating Curriculum Standards, Children's Inquiries and Appropriate Multicultural Materials for Children from Birth to Grade 6

This course provides foundations for understanding the complexities of teachers' relationships with curriculum for Birth to Grade 6. Candidates will expand their knowledge of the multiple dimensions of curriculum including assessment, literacy content, educational structures, notions of the hidden curriculum, and children's perspectives. Candidates will examine the New York State English Language Arts and Content Area Standards to inform their understandings of what is possible and necessary in developing literacy curriculum and activities. Candidates will investigate multiple resources to enrich their curricula revisions, address these dimensions, and incorporate into their teaching the diversity of their class and the world. Candidates will explore aspects of social justice, critical literacies, and multiculturalism while producing standard-driven activities. Candidates will increase their knowledge of multicultural literature, technology, music, websites, and museums. This class includes 20 hours of fieldwork required to implement curriculum planning and activities.



Contact Hours

Includes 20 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1301E Negotiating Curriculum Standards, Children's Inquiries, and Appropriate Multicultural Materials for 5th to 12th Grade

This course provides foundations for understanding the complexities of teachers' relationships with curriculum for 5th to 12th Grade. Candidates will expand their knowledge of the multiple dimensions of curriculum including assessment, literacy content, educational structures, notions of the hidden curriculum and children's perspectives. Candidates will examine the New York State English Language Arts and Content Area Standards to inform their understandings of what is possible and necessary in developing literacy curriculum and activities. Candidates will investigate multiple resources to enrich their curricula revisions, address these dimensions, and incorporate into their teaching the diversity of their class and the world. Candidates will explore aspects of social justice, critical literacies, and multiculturalism while producing standard-driven activities. Candidates will increase their knowledge of multicultural literature, technology, music, websites, and museums. This class includes 20 hours of fieldwork required to implement curriculum planning and activities.



Contact Hours

Includes 20 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1400E Writing for Teachers

This course is designed to support teachers in focusing on their own writing and its relationship to their development as learners, teachers, researchers, and human beings. Candidates will construct positive identities as writers, discover multiple authentic purposes for writing, and develop their craft as writers within several basic genres (stories, poetry, descriptive and persuasive writing). During this course they will explore the writing process and learn about key dimensions of writing including textuality, intertexuality, figurative language and writing as rewriting culture. Candidates will build on their strengths, address their challenges, and identify implications for their role as writing instructors and the role of writing in their classes.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 1500C Linking Literacy, Assessment, Instruction and Learning-Birth to 6th Grade

This course is designed to support candidates in constructing a wider definition of assessment and in understanding the complex relationship between assessment and instruction in Birth-6th Grade. Candidates will investigate theoretical underpinnings for multiple literacy assessments including miscue analysis, backward designs, journals, conferencing, writing sample analysis, portfolios, observation, and note taking. Candidates will investigate a range of informal and formal literacy assessments and theorize the potential of these assessments for supporting literacy learning. Candidates will determine instructional implications, resources, structures, and strategies as aspects of their assessments. Candidates will take an active part in their own assessment practices with an inquiry-based assessment investigation.




Or Corequisites: EDCE 1600C or EDCE 1600E

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1501C Linking Literacy, Assessment, Instruction and Learning-5th to 12th Grade

This course is designed to support candidates in constructing a wider definition of assessment and understanding the complex relationship between assessment and instruction in 5th-12th Grade. Candidates will investigate theoretical underpinnings for multiple literacy assessments including miscue analysis, backward designs, journals, conferencing, writing sample analysis, portfolios, observation, and note-taking. Candidates will investigate a range of informal and formal literacy assessments and theorize the potential of these assessments for supporting literacy learning. Candidates will determine instructional implications, resources, structures, and strategies as aspects of their assessments. Candidates will take an active part in their own assessment practices with an inquiry-based assessment investigation.




Or Corequisite: EDCE 1601C or EDCE 1601E

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1600C Literacy Inquiry Practicum-Birth to 6th Grade

This course supports candidates in learning the premises of inquiry-based learning and transformative practices within the field of literacy for Birth to 6th Grade. While working in a one-on-one relationship with a child, candidates will learn how to investigate curriculum, literacy development, planning, resources, and issues of social justice. Candidates are expected to organize effective learning contexts, explore content area literacies, understand the child's individual development in the context of social interactions, and diversify the range of genres and materials available for their child. This class focuses on building candidates' strengths in utilizing multiple sign systems, exploring a range of literacies practices, connecting the word and the world, and building family/community relationships. Candidates are required to use a variety of assessment tools learned in other courses such as miscue analysis, writing sample analysis, observation, and note taking to record a child's literacy abilities, inform an instructional plan, analyze, and support child's literacy practices.




Or coreq: EDCE 1500C

Contact Hours

Includes 18 hours practicum. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1600E Small Group Literacy Inquiry Practicum - Birth to 6th Grade

This course supports candidates in learning the premises of inquiry-based learning and transformative practices within the field of literacy for Birth to 6th grade. While working with a small group of children, candidates will learn how to investigate curriculum, literacy development, planning, resources, and issues of social justice. Candidates are expected to think about peer relationships, work on collaborative teaching and learning processes, and foster children's abilities to help and support each other's literacy learning. Candidates are responsible for organizing effective learning contexts, differentiating instruction, exploring content area literacies, understanding the children's individual development in the context of social interactions, and diversifying the range of genres and materials available for each child. This class focuses on building candidates' strengths in utilizing multiple sign systems, exploring a range of literacies practices, connecting the word and the world, and building family/community relationships. Candidates are required to use a variety of assessment tools learned in other courses such as miscue analysis, writing sample analysis, observation, and note taking to record children's literacy abilities, inform an instructional plan, analyze, and support children's literacy practices.




Or coreq: EDCE 1500C

Contact Hours

Includes 18 hours practicum. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1601C Literacy Inquiry Practicum - 5th to 12th Grade

This course supports candidates in learning the premises of inquiry-based learning and transformative practices within the field of literacy for 5th to 12th Grade. While working in a one-on-one relationship with a child, candidates will learn how to investigate curriculum, literacy development, planning, resources, and issues of social justice. Candidates are expected to organize effective learning contexts, explore content area literacies, understand the child's individual development in the context of social interactions, and diversify the range of genres and materials available for their child. This class focuses on building candidates' strengths in utilizing multiple sign systems, exploring a range of literacies practices, connecting the word and the world, and building family/community relationships. Candidates are required to use a variety of assessment tools learned in other courses such as miscue analysis, writing sample analysis, observation, and note taking to record a child's literacy abilities, inform an instructional plan, analyze, and support child's literacy practices.




Or coreq: EDCE 1501C

Contact Hours

Includes 18 hours practicum. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1601E Small Group Literacy Inquiry Practicum - 5th to 12th Grade

This course is designed to support candidates in learning the premises of inquiry-based learning and transformative practices within the field of literacy for 5th-12th Grade. While working with a small group of children, candidates will learn how to investigate curriculum, literacy development, planning, resources, and issues of social justice. Candidates are expected to think about peer relationships, work on collaborative teaching and learning processes, and foster children's abilities to help and support each other's literacy learning. Candidates are responsible for organizing effective learning contexts, differentiating instruction, exploring content area literacies, understanding the children's individual development in the context of social interactions, and diversifying the range of genres and materials available for their child. This class focuses on building candidates' strengths in utilizing multiple sign systems, exploring a range of literacies practices, connecting the word and the world, and building family/community relationships. Candidates are required to use a variety of assessment tools learned in other courses such as miscue analysis, writing sample analysis, observation, and note taking to record children's literacy abilities, inform an instructional plan, analyze, and support children's literacy practices.




Or coreq: EDCE 1501C

Contact Hours

Includes 18 hours practicum. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1700E Critical Use of Technology for Literacy Instructors of Children Birth to 6th Grade

In this course, candidates develop competencies and skills in the critical and appropriate use of information technologies for the teaching of literacy at the Pre-K to 6th grade level. Candidates examine new, relevant, and appropriate information technology resources on literacy, apply research findings to the appropriate application of information technologies to literacy instruction, learn how new information technologies impact language and culture, expand competencies in using information technologies to develop literacy skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), and examine strategies to use information technologies to address literacy curricula for New York State English Language Arts and Content Area Standards. In addition, candidates engage in fieldwork where they utilize strategies for using new information technologies in classroom settings.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 2 hr./wk.

EDCE 1700G Home-School Partnerships for Literacy Development

This course is designed to support candidates in fostering strong relationships between home and school communities, and helping children negotiate the differing contexts of their learning. Candidates learn how to operate from non-deficit models of evaluation in investigating the child's cultural and family background. Candidates learn how to build constructive relationships between all the partners that help educate the child and how to build on local funds of knowledge in developing curriculum. Candidates explore the shifting intersections between community-based and school-based literacies in supporting the child's learning and literacy growth.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr/wk.

EDCE 1701E Critical Use of Technology for Literacy Instructors of Students 5th to 12th Grade

In this course, candidates develop competencies and skills in the critical and appropriate use of information technologies for the teaching of literacy at the 5th to 12th grade level. Candidates examine new, relevant, and appropriate information technology resources on literacy, apply research findings to the appropriate application of information technologies to literacy instruction, learn how new information technologies impact language and culture, expand competencies in using information technologies to develop literacy skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), and examine strategies to use information technologies to address literacy curricula for New York State English Language Arts and Content Area Standards. In addition, candidates engage in fieldwork where they utilize strategies for using new information technologies in classroom settings.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 2 hr./wk.

EDCE 1800K Family, Child and School

A study of the contexts for learning that affect teachers, children, and their families. Topics explored include: multicultural communities and differing family structures, conferencing with parents, children with special needs, indications of child abuse, educators' legal and ethical responsibilities. Required for initial certification.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 1900C Language and Literacy Development in Young Children

This course focuses on language and literacy development from birth to age 6 and on how to develop a well-balanced literacy program for young children. Special emphasis is placed on an exploration of research in the field, a study and critical analysis of children's literature, the art of storytelling, and effective strategies for learning to read.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2000C First and Second Language and Literacy Acquisition

This course offers an in-depth look at current research and practical applications of first and second language/dialect acquisition and literacy learning, developmental stages of both, connections between oral and print literacies, and the strengths of first language/dialect literacy. The course also explores the integration of the many languages individuals use to communicate and make meaning. The readings and discussions address strategies to assess and support first and second language and literacy development, and include effective classroom activities and resources.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2100C Teaching Social Studies in Childhood Education

Integrated unit planning centered on a study of the community, cultural diversity and historical sequence; focuses on inquiry learning strategies and multicultural approaches to instruction. Includes introduction to Internet resources and software for classroom instruction in geography.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2100K Development Issues in Early Childhood/Childhood Education

In-depth study of the developmental progression and the active nature of children's learning (birth through the childhood years). Major developmental and learning theories are critically examined and illuminated through candidates' experiences with children of diverse needs from varying backgrounds. Implications for program planning, classroom organization, and differentiating curriculum to meet special needs are continually drawn. Required.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2101C Social Studies in the Early Childhood Curriculum

How to develop and carry out experiences that help children inquire about the world, their history, and their backgrounds and integrate their understandings; how to utilize students' diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds and information technology as learning resources. Emphasis placed on the classroom as a democratic learning community. Required for initial certification.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2202I Content Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education

Culminating experience of the graduate education program. Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem (including on-line sources), and design a study to carry out in the following semester. Required of all graduate students in Early Childhood Education. By permission only.




EDCE 2100K or equivalent.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2203I Content Research Seminar in Bilingual Education

A critical review of the research literature in the candidate's major field, as well as research methodology and instrumentation appropriate to the field. This first semester covers the basic concepts and procedures needed to evaluate research critically. Each student will identify a problem in his or her major area, review the literature related to that problem, and design a project to study the problem. This project will be carried out during the second semester. Matriculants only. This course is followed by EDUC 2900I. This course should be taken no later than the semester prior to the one in which the student expects to complete the requirements for the degree. Students who expect to write a thesis should take this course no later than two semesters prior to the one in which they expect to complete the requirements for their degree.




See individual programs.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2204I Content Research Seminar in Childhood Education

Culminating experience in the graduate program in childhood education. Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem, and design a study to carry out the following semester. By permission only.




Matriculation, 15 cr. and EDUC 2900F.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2205I Research Seminar in Teaching Multilingual Learners

Candidates will complete a capstone masters project guided by a research question related to their teaching practices that extends their understanding and application of content in the program. Candidates will review the literature, create a small-scale study which they will conduct, and present their findings and implications. Matriculants only.




Completion of 9 credits

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 2206I Content Research Seminar in Educational Theatre

Culminating experience in the graduate program in Educational Theatre. Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem, and design a study to carry out the following semester. By permission only.




Matriculation, 15 cr. and EDUC 2900F.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2207I Research into Teaching: Bilingual Education

This course supports bilingual childhood education candidates in completing a culminating project that involves collecting classroom data, developing and implementing learning plans, reviewing bilingual education research, analyzing their teaching, and assessing their students’ learning. Candidates will consider the implications of their findings for their future teaching with multilingual learners.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 2208I Research into Teaching: TESOL

This course supports TESOL candidates in completing a culminating project that involves collecting data in their classrooms, developing and implementing learning plans, reviewing TESOL research, analyzing their teaching, and assessing their students’ learning. Candidates will consider the implications of their findings for their future teaching with multilingual learners.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. This is a Pass/Fail course.

EDCE 2209I Creating an Ethnodrama I

This is the first semester of a year-long sequence (Creating an Ethnodrama I and II) designed to prepare candidates to devise an original ethnodrama. Ethnodrama I introduces students to methods of qualitative research and prepares them to conduct original arts-based research. Candidates will learn and apply interview skills to interrogate a community-based issue from multiple perspectives. The culmination of part I is a research proposal that includes an introduction and statement of the issue, research question(s), literature review, and research methodology. 



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2210I Creating an Ethnodrama II

This course follows Creating an Ethnodrama I and is part of the culminating experience in the Educational Theater Program. Candidates complete participant recruitment and participant interviews, followed by collaborative data analyses. In lieu of presenting results and conclusions in a traditional research paper, candidates learn and apply Moment Work to devise an original ethnodrama based on participant interviews. The original ethnodrama is performed in a public venue at the end of the course. 




EDCE 2209I

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2300C Social Studies Inquiry for Pre-K to 6 Teachers

Focuses on two national and state social studies learning standards: geography and the history of New York State and the United States. Students experience an inquiry approach to social studies that will increase their content knowledge and model inquiry methods. Students plan learning experiences for children. Includes an instructional technology component. Required for professional certification.




EDCE 2100C or equivalent.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2400C Development & Evaluation of Materials in Bilingual Education

Production and evaluation of bilingual instructional materials using various media. Integration of instructional materials in a bilingual curriculum.




EDCE 5300C.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2600C Linguistics for Teachers

An introduction to basic concepts in linguistics, including phonology, lexicon, and grammar; language contact, variation, and prescriptivism; linguistic experience of bilingual and second-language communities and individuals.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2700C Literacy for Struggling Readers and Writers

Candidates will examine the multiple dimensions that contribute to students' literacy struggles. They will explore and critique theories and research regarding literacy practices and identify practical applications based on these insights. A significant aspect of this work will involve practice with methods to assess and support readers' and writers' competencies with cuing systems and engagement with texts. Candidates will explore how multimodal literacies can be used as a source of strength, confidence, and growth with print literacy. Throughout the course, candidates reflect on how they can support all students' literacy growth through effective lesson design as well as advocacy for curricular and structural change.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2900F Inclusive Practices for the General Education Classroom (Grades 1-6)

This course prepares candidates to teach in inclusive classroom settings grades 1-6. Topics of study include: special education law, disability categories, differentiation, strategies for instruction and assessment (curriculum design), co-teaching models, and classroom management. Drawing upon an understanding of disability as natural human variation, candidates develop a case study of a struggling learner in the classroom context.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2900I Seminar in Educational Research II

Second semester of the research sequence. Students carry out their study designed in the Content Research Seminar and learn how to analyze, write about, and present the data collected. By permission only.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2905I Research Seminar II in Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students

Second semester of the research sequence. Students carry out their designed in the previous semester and learn how to analyze, write about, and present the data collected.


EDCE 3000C Development of Laboratory Materials for Elementary Science

Construction and use of laboratory equipment and materials which implement the critical thinking and problem solving approach to the teaching of the new curricula in science in the elementary school.




Or coreq: EDCE 3100C.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3000F Curriculum Development in Childhood Education

An examination of principles that underlie curriculum development; planning appropriate goals, sequencing content, and implementing teaching/learning strategies. An important goal of the course is to help students develop skills in developing and offering differentiated instruction and integrating technology into learning experiences.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3100C Elementary Science & Engineering Teaching Methods

An elementary science and engineering teaching methods course, where students develop skills and knowledge about science and engineering teaching and learning. Candidates learn by doing inquiry and design activities that are hands-on and computer-based, and aligned with city, state and national science standards. Students learn to use research-based teaching strategies and assessment techniques that provide evidence of student learning for subsequent analysis and reflection. Fifteen (15) hours of fieldwork are required for this course.




Department Permission Required

Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3100F Curriculum Development in Educational Theatre

This course will help students develop a framework for analyzing and assessing learners, curriculum design, and teaching strategies based on readings and observation of children in a classroom setting. Open only to matriculated students.



Contact Hours

10-15 hours of field experience required in grades pre K-12.

EDCE 3200C Science Inquiry for Pre-K to 6 Teachers

Develops teachers' knowledge of the teaching and learning of science in childhood education. Focuses on three New York State science standards: scientific inquiry, application of scientific concepts and theories, and the historical development of ideas in science and common themes that connect mathematics, science and technology. First-hand experiences developing and analyzing knowledge gained through inquiry. Required for professional certification.




EDCE 3100C or equivalent.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3300C How Young Children Learn Science: Implications for Teaching

Workshop designed to deepen understanding of the active, investigative nature of science learning. Participants' own explorations and experiences parallel the child's inquiring approach. Materials and resources (including information technology) appropriate for the diverse learning needs of young children are examined. Required for initial certification.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3400C Focus on Inquiry in Education

Study of background literature and developmental theory; observing and recording children's growth; teacher's role.




Special permission required.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3500C Education in the Early Years: Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

How knowledge develops from infancy through the preschool years; with a focus on how to support learners' growth and development and how to structure appropriate learning environments for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with diverse needs. Theoretical perspectives on learning are explored. Required for initial certification. Ancillary requirement for professional certificate (on advisement).




Child Development.

Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3600C Theatre/Performance For Young Audiences K - 12

This course aims to develop insight into artistic and practical decisions in producing work for young people. Through an exploration of techniques of acting, devising, directing, and production repertoire students will achieve an understanding of the practices of Theatre in Education (TIE) and Youth Theatre. Contemporary plays which have been produced for theatre for young audiences will also be studied. Additionally, learning how to use the city as a cultural resource will be discussed, in order to make a connection between theatre making and theatre performance.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3700C Fundamentals of Teaching Theatre

This course investigates methods and materials for exploring the process of teaching students about the elements of theatre, i.e., acting, directing, improvisation, and technical theatre, as well as how to guide students through the production process. There will be exploration of the application of drama structures and activities as tools for enlivening any curriculum, by building motivation, classroom community, and collaborative exchange. Participants will learn how to integrate and adapt strategies and activities for different age ranges, and investigate how drama can be scaffolded effectively in lesson planning, thus aiding in classroom management.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 3800C Materials for a Flexible and Individualized Curriculum

The development, use, and evaluation of materials for individuals and small group instruction.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4000F Arts Integration: Theatre and Related Arts in the Curriculum (Grades 7-12)

This course explores theories and practices of integrating drama into the general curriculum, grades 6-12. Participants will learn how to teach content through the use of various dramatic activities, techniques and strategies including teacher-in-role, process drama and the use of still images/tableaux, music. The course will also discuss how theatre practitioners can use non-arts content as source material in their theatre curriculum while strengthening the learning in core subject areas.



Contact Hours

15 hours of fieldwork required. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4100C Teaching Arts and Crafts in Childhood Education

Art principles, practices, and materials appropriate to the teaching of arts and crafts in childhood education; integrating arts and crafts into the content areas of the elementary curriculum.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4100F Devlopng Art Curriculum in Nontraditional Settings

Developing Arts Curriculum in Nontraditional Settings.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. Fifteen hours of field work is required.

EDCE 4200C Educating Young Children with Special Needs

This course provides early childhood educators with a theoretical framework and practical applications for developing curriculum to support children with special needs.  Information, guidance and resources will be presented to assist teachers in developing and differentiating curriculum, using adaptive technology, assessing students holistically, working with their classroom/administrative team as well as with children’s home/family/community in situations where a child may require an evaluation and/or additional support services. Special attention will be paid to issues of diversity, helping teachers to frame differences in a respectful, non-biased way.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4300C Art and Expressive Activities in Early Childhood Education

Interpretation and use of creative activities for the diverse learning needs of young children as they explore and develop personal skills and interests in various art media. Required for initial certification.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4400C Arts Integration: Theatre and Related Arts in the Curriculum

This course explores how teachers can use dramatic activities and dramatic play to help P-12 students engage in the learning process and develop their cognitive and social skills. It covers theories and practices of educational drama and theatre. Candidates will explore both the curriculum (including but not limited to social studies, literacy, English as a second language, math, and science), as well as opportunities to build group dynamics and positive social skills. The relationship of classroom drama to curricular subject matter (including but not limited to Social Studies; Literacy, English Language Learners, Math/Science) will also be examined. They will build knowledge of various dramatic activities, techniques, and strategies including teacher-in-role, process or role drama, and the use of still images/tableaux. The main concepts, structures, and conventions of the field of dramatic activities and related arts will be investigated. In addition, practical work in design, implementation, and evaluation of dramatic experiences for students of different age ranges will be examined.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. 15 hours of fieldwork required.

EDCE 4500A Teaching English to Adult Speakers of Other Languages

This course focuses on the needs of educators who teach English to adult speakers of other languages. Topics to be addressed include principles of adult learning, teaching in multilingual and monolingual classroom settings, differences between English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts, and program design.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4500C Fundamentals of Teaching Technical Theatre

This class aims to develop basic understandings of resources, techniques and elements of a theatre production including: scenic work, costumes, props, lighting, sound, and stage and production management. Candidates will explore the teaching of each of these aspects of technical theatre for classes Pre K-12 with particular focus on urban schools, and will have hands-on experiences in these areas.


EDCE 4500K Inclusive Practices for the Arts

The potential of theatre arts as a powerful vehicle for positive disability representation is explored. Topics of study include: special education law, disability categories, differentiation, collaborative teaching, and classroom management. Candidates draw upon the narrative work of disabled artists to (re)conceptualize disability as natural human variation and an essential feature of diversity in a multicultural society.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4600A Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education

This course provides an introduction to the foundations of early intervention and early childhood special education, including developmental, educational, family systems, and health perspectives and theories. Specific attention is paid to the process of early intervention and early childhood special education within the least restrictive environment, as delineated in state and federal legislation. .



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 4600C Applied Theatre

This course explores how theatre can be used and applied to various areas of interest. The course will offer techniques on applying theatre to the student's particular area of interest or population (i.e., health care, childcare, prisons, museums, professional development). The main concepts, structures, and conventions of applied theatre will be investigated. Guidelines for devising and structuring applied drama/theatre programs and curricula will be explored.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4700K Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs

Provides knowledge and skills to meet the needs of infants, toddlers, and young children who demonstrate mild to profound disabilities. Includes how to use developmentally-appropriate/culturally-responsive practices to work with health care professionals, health and safety, emergency care, management of chronic health impairments, and management of neurodevelopmental and motor disabilities.



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 4800K Managing the Environment for Young Children with Special Needs

This course explores how to manage the environment to support learning and development for young children with diverse needs. Participants will learn how to identify and support behavior challenges in a variety of early learning environments - individual, small group, and large group settings; home, center-based, and integrated classrooms.



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 4900K Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs: B-2nd grade

This course explores the role of assessment in understanding young children’s learning and development. It conceptualizes assessment as an ongoing, collaborative process of gathering and interpreting evidence about children’s behaviors and the social/physical environment to make decisions regarding services and supports for young children with disabilities or developmental delays.



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 5100C Teaching Foreign Languages in Elementary Education

Objectives, principles, and methods of teaching modern languages in the elementary school. Problems of organizing foreign language teaching. Study and evaluation of curricula, syllabi, textbooks, language tests, audio-visual aids, and the language laboratory and area-study materials.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5201C Methods of Teaching English Language Arts to Bilingual English Language Learners (P-Grade 6)

This course is designed to help participants develop instructional experiences that provide for the acquisition of literacy in a second language (English) to non-native speakers (pre-K - 6) whose cultural background differs from that of the majority culture. While focusing primarily on practical approaches to teaching literacy, the course will also address theoretical issues that underlie the development and implementation of effective strategies to support English language learners.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5202C Teaching Language Arts in Spanish to Multilingual Students

Methods and practices for teaching language arts in Spanish as well as the identification and development of relevant materials for multilingual students. 



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 5203C Teaching Language Arts & Reading to Bilingual-Bicultural Students (Haitian)

Methods and materials for the teaching of reading and language in Haitian/Creole to Haitian/Creole-dominant and English-dominant children.




EDCE 5300C.

Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5204C Teaching Language Arts in Chinese to Multilingual Students

Methods and practices for teaching language arts in Chinese as well as the identification and development of relevant materials for multilingual students. 



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 5300C Theories, Policies, and Programs for Emergent Bilingual Students

This course explores the historical background, policies, approaches and theoretical foundations of P-12 bilingual education and ESL programs for emergent bilingual students in the U.S. It also considers the social, cultural, political and economic context that surrounds the education of students in urban schools.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5400C Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages I (Pre K-grade 6)

Methods and materials for teaching English to non-native speakers grades pre-K - 6, with a focus on communicative and content-based instruction; appropriateness of various techniques, resources, and assessments for different learning styles, language and cultural backgrounds, age and proficiency levels, including gifted and talented students and those with special developmental needs; history of ESOL teaching, and the links between teaching practice and theories of language and language learning. The course includes attention to theories and practices involved in the teaching of ESOL by means of instruction in the content areas of mathematics, science and technology, social studies, and the arts.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5401C Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

This intensive introductory course provides practical information and experiences for teaching ESOL, with particular attention to urban schools, language minority students, and the NYC school system. Part I focuses on introductory issues in education and instructional models. Open to first-semester TESOL Teaching Fellows only.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5500C Children of the Caribbean Cultures & Curriculum

The cultural background of these children and their parents, and the problems of adjustment to a complex urban society. Attention to learning behavior affected by the difficulty of communication and new school environments.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk

EDCE 5700C Education That Is Multicultural

Analyzes the various components of a desirable education in a pluralistic society; provides opportunities for developing curriculum and strategies which reflect respect and dignity for all people; examines students' needs within a humanistic framework; critically examines instructional materials for bias.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5701G Practicum Teaching Bilingual Special Education

Assessing and developing skills for teaching language minority students with disabilities. Field supervision, integrative seminar, individual conferences. Approval required one semester in advance; open only to matriculants.




Completion of 15 credits.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5800C Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Designed to develop the students' understanding of the different theories that have been developed to explain the process of acquisition of second languages and of the interaction between such theories and strategies for maintaining and developing bilingualism.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5900C Development and Evaluation of Materials for Teaching Second Languages: English

Designed to familiarize students with commercial materials used in teaching second languages, and to increase their capacity to develop materials of their own.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5901G Curriculum and Instructional Approaches in Bilingual Special Education

Examination and development of curriculum and material for teaching language minority students with disabilities in English and non-English. Special emphasis will be given to NYS learning standards for science and social studies.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6000C How Children Learn Mathematics: Birth - Grade 2

Development of young children's spatial, numerical, and logical reasoning as the basis for instructional decision-making in mathematics teaching. Teaching materials, developmentally-appropriate investigations, and pedagogical techniques that facilitate children's different ways of constructing ideas, strategies, and models in mathematics.




MATH 18000 and either MATH 18500 or EDCE 5950C, or equivalent courses (6 cr.)

Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6000K Introduction to the Education of Emergent Bilingual Students with Disabilities

Course content focuses upon the needs of learners with disabilities who are in the process of acquiring skills in English, culturally responsive practices, and collaboration with culturally and linguistically diverse families. Topics of study include: special education law, disability categories, differentiation, strategies for instruction and assessment, co-teaching models, and classroom management. This course presents disability as natural human variation and an essential feature of diversity in a multicultural society.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6100C How Children Learn Mathematics: Grades 1-6

Mathematical development of children from primary to upper elementary grades through their action and exploration. Candidates plan for differentiated instruction and assessment of students with diverse abilities.




EDCE 5950C.

Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6103E Advanced Teaching and Learning in Elementary School Mathematics

This advanced methods course will help teachers use their flexible and comprehensive knowledge of mathematics, their understanding of children’s mathematical learning and development, and their ability to plan and implement instructional units to maximize the learning of all students. Teachers will focus on research-based instructional strategies found to support mathematics achievement of students in diverse urban secondary school classrooms. They will learn to create instructional environments where all students will develop confidence in their ability to do mathematics and are challenged to think critically about the discipline. In addition, candidates will identify a problem of interest and draft a literature review that will serve as a basis for their action research project.  Includes 30 hours of fieldwork. 




EDCE 5950C.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6100K Assessing the Educational Needs of Language Minority Students with Disabilities

This course examines the impact of second language, cultural variables, and bilingualism on academic test performance. Participants will learn to assess educational environments, previous educational experiences, administer norm-referenced tests and criterion-referenced tests in English and in the non-English language. Both formal and informal assessment techniques will be studied.




EDUC 6000K.

Contact Hours

Includes 20 hours practicum. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6200C Mathematics Inquiry for Pre-K to 6 Teachers

Includes mathematics content and pedagogy; focuses on selected topics in number, geometry, algebra and probability; attention to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics content and process standards, analysis of students' work; and analysis, design and assessment of mathematics curriculum. Technology used throughout to study grade-appropriate classrooms. For professional certification candidates only.




EDCE 6000C or the equivalent.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6200K Language Minority Families and the Special Education System

This course examines current and historical perspectives on parent involvement in the special education of children and youth with disabilities. Emphasis on understanding the views of exceptionalities and family involvement held by language minority families. Focuses on strategies, activities, and materials that will facilitate school and family collaboration.




EDUC 6000K.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6400C Teaching Content (Math, Science, Social Studies) with Language Arts in English and an Additional Language

This course is designed to develop an interdisciplinary approach to teaching Math, Science and Social Studies using both English and an additional language. Candidates will explore interdisciplinary content methodologies and approaches to supporting language learning. The course will also focus on materials and resources for planning and integrating content-area learning experiences.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6500C Methods of Teaching English Language Arts to Bilingual English Language Learners (7-Adult)

This course is designed to help participants develop instructional experiences that provide for the acquisition of second-language literacy (English) in literary and content area texts for students (Grade 7-Adult) whose cultural background differs from that of the majority culture. While focusing primarily on practical approaches to teaching literacy, the course will also address theoretical issues that underlie the development and implementation of effective strategies to support English language learners.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6600C Assessment for Multilingual Learners

This course explores issues of assessment with multilingual learners in US schools. It equips teacher candidates with the skills needed to develop and implement effective assessment instruments, assess student learning, and analyze student work to inform future instruction. The course also provides a critical understanding of the larger policy context. 



Contact Hours

3 hr. /wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 6601C Practicum I in TESOL

Teacher candidates investigate how theoretical foundations of teaching English as an additional language are implemented in classrooms. Under field supervision, candidates will plan and teach in either P-6 or 7-12 classrooms. In the accompanying seminar, candidates critically analyze the teaching practices in their learning environments.: Pass/Fail course.



Contact Hours

3 hr. /wk. Fieldwork requirement: 15 days

EDCE 6602C Practicum II in TESOL

Teacher candidates investigate how theoretical foundations of teaching English as an additional language are implemented in classrooms. Under field supervision, candidates will plan and teach in either P-6 or 7-12 classrooms. Pass/Fail Course



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk. Fieldwork Requirement: 5 days

EDCE 6604C Practicum in Adult TESOL

Teacher candidates investigate how theoretical foundations of teaching English as an additional language are implemented in classrooms. Under field supervision, candidates will plan and teach in adult ESL settings. In the accompanying seminar, candidates critically analyze the teaching practices in their learning environments. Pass/ Fail course.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. Fieldwork requirement 10 days

EDCE 6700C Contrastive Phonology of English and Other Languages for Teachers

Advanced study of the phonology of English and its contrasts with other languages. Areas of difficulty for second-language learners. Pedagogical strategies.




EDCE 2600C.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6800C Grammar and its Pedagogy: English and Other Languages

Advanced study of the grammar of English, with strategies for application in bilingual and second-language classrooms. Students will be given the opportunity to contrast aspects of grammar of English with that of other languages.




EDCE 2600C.

Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 6900C Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages II (Grade 7 - 12)

Methods and materials for teaching English to non-native speakers grades 7-Adult, with a focus on communicative and content-based instruction; appropriateness of various techniques, resources, and assessments for different learning styles, language and cultural backgrounds, age and proficiency levels, including gifted and talented students and those with special developmental needs; history of ESOL teaching, and the links between teaching practice and theories of language and language learning. The course includes attention to the specific discourse and text formats in the content areas of mathematics, science and technology, social studies, and the arts.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7000I Language and Learning

The course examines learning theories and their application to language learning with an emphasis on the student as both teacher and learner. Special emphasis is given to talking to learn and writing to learn.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7100A Urban Schools in a Diverse Society


EDCE 7100C Creative Movement and Music in Childhood Education

Integrating the expressive arts into all areas of the curriculum. Focus on creative expression as an effective modality for teaching. Strategies that allow teachers to model creativity for their students in a supportive learning environment. Students should come prepared for moderate physical activity.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork at the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7150C Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Contexts

This course will offer a practical overview of the fundamentals of teaching and learning in early childhood contexts. Linking research and theory about how young children develop and learn, the course will present insights about how to create developmentally appropriate/culturally responsive learning environments, curriculum, instruction, assessment strategies, and teaching attitudes that support young children's optimal development through the collection of direct evidence of children's behaviors and work and how to use these data to inform and guide teaching. Ongoing studies of children will be required throughout the course.



Contact Hours

10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7200C Field-based Inquiry: TESOL

Through supervised field-based investigations of the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in grades pre-K through 12, teacher candidates will investigate how theoretical and empirical foundations of the teaching of English as a second language (ESL) are implemented in actual classrooms, linking theory and practice. The course will involve focused classroom observations and the creation of lesson plans and units of study as teacher candidates apply and adapt methodologies and assist the cooperating ESL teacher in instruction. Students will spend 7 weeks in grade pre-K through 6 and 7 weeks in grades 7-12 (3-4 hours per week). The course will meet in a weekly seminar. Required of all students in the graduate initial certification program in TESOL.




EDUC 7200A, either EDUC 7300A or EDUC 7500A, EDCE 5400C.

Contact Hours

Includes 45 hrs in-school experience and bi-weekly seminar.

EDCE 7200F Contemporary Problems in Bilingual Education

Workshop to assist teachers in bilingual education in solving, through action research, problems they encounter in their teaching and in the development and use of materials.




EDUC 7500G or present full-time service as a teacher. This course must be taken before EDUC 2200I.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7201G Student/Supervised Teaching in the Arts P-6

Students will complete their student teaching in grades PreK-6 and attend a weekly seminar. Permission of the program director required.




EDCE 7204G.

Contact Hours

10-25 hr./wk. (150 total)

EDCE 7202G Student/Supervised Teaching in the Arts 7-12

Students will complete their student teaching in grades 7-12 and attend a weekly seminar. Permission of the program head is required.




EDCE 7205G

Contact Hours

10-25 hrs./wk. (150 total)

EDCE 7203G The Reflective Teaching Artist

This course is designed to help those entering the field of arts education who are focused on teaching artistry, arts administration or have a focus on arts administration. The course will prepare candidates to identify their respective career paths and prepare them for that journey. In addition, we will reflect on teaching experiences by providing a forum for sharing best practices and experiences, reflection, and for mentorship. Includes 30 hours of fieldwork. 




EDCE 7204G.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7204G Seminar in Teaching in the Arts P-6

Seminar provides student teachers an opportunity to meet, reflect and generate ideas for their current P-6 student teaching placements. Weekly discussions focus on preparing student teachers for the job search as well as for a career in education.




EDCE 7201G.

Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

EDCE 7205G Seminar in Teaching in the Arts 7-12

Seminar provides student teachers an opportunity to meet, reflect, and generate ideas for their current 7-12 student teaching placements. Weekly discussions focus on preparing student teachers for the job search as well as for a career in education.




EDCE 7202G.

Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

EDCE 7250C Curriculum Development in ECE

Critical examination of principles underlying curriculum development and program planning for young children. How to prepare the environment, integrate the day, differentiate instruction for students with varying needs, discipline effectively, and use technology. To be taken with or after student teaching. Required for initial certification. Ancillary requirement for professional certificate (on advisement).



Contact Hours

10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7300C Young Children's Education in Diverse Non-School Settings

This course explores the processes of teaching and learning as they occur for young children in non-school settings in culturally diverse contexts. The course will lead participants through a series of visits to institutions that facilitate children's learning (such as libraries, museums, hospital settings, playgrounds, cultural education programs, etc.). Candidates will compare these to comparable institutions in their own or other countries.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7300F Contemporary Problems and Issues in Early Childhood Education

The identification and study of classroom and school problems educators encounter in their teaching, including effective instruction for children with a range of special needs. Serves as an introduction to action research and as preparation for the research sequence of courses the student will complete at the final stage of the program. Required for professional certification in Early Childhood.




A minimum of 18 credits or special permission of advisor.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7301G Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education I

Full time supervised student teaching for 20 - 50 days in one developmental level of early childhood (as part of 70 days total in student/supervised teaching). Accompanying weekly seminar integrates the teaching experience with course work. Required for those in the initial certification program. To be completed at the end of the program sequence.




Advance approval necessary.


EDUC 1900G.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7302G Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education II

Full time supervised student teaching for 20 - 50 days in a second developmental level of early childhood (as part of 70 days total in student/supervised teaching). Accompanying weekly seminar integrates the teaching experience with course work. Required for those in the initial certification program. To be completed at the end of the program sequence.




Advance approval necessary.


EDUC 1900G.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7303G Supervised Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education

Full time supervised student teaching for a semester in their own classroom for those who teach full-time. Accompanying weekly seminar integrates the teaching experience with course work. Option for those in the initial certification program. To be completed at the end of the program sequence.




Advance approval necessary.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7304G Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education and Seminar

Supervised student teaching for 100 hours in pre-K, or grades 1-2 and a weekly seminar. Includes special seminars on school violence prevention and intervention, safety education and fire and arson prevention. Required of students in the Teaching Fellows program that provides supervision of student teaching.




Advance approval required.

EDCE 7305G Supervised Teaching in Early Childhood Education and Seminar

Supervised teaching for one semester in the student's own classroom in pre-K, K, or grades 1-2 (the level being different from that in EDUC 0304G) and a weekly seminar. Required of students in the Teaching Fellows program that provides supervision of teaching.




Advance approval required.

EDCE 7306G Supervised Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Special Education

Supervised Teaching is an opportunity to further develop the essential skills, dispositions, and self-reflection necessary to be an effective and successful early childhood special education educator. Seminar discussions will offer the opportunity to integrate theory learned in coursework with experiences teaching in the field. Candidates have the opportunity to choose a concentration in Early Intervention service (Birth-3), Special Education Itinerant Teacher service preschool age (3-5) or school age early childhood (K-2).




Completion of 12 credits in the Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education Program; advisor approval

Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.

EDCE 7310A Human Development in the Arts

This course will cover human and creative development from early childhood to adulthood with an emphasis on development in the arts (PreK-12). We will focus on major themes and theories and consider multiple art modalities while reflecting on inclusion of diverse learning styles and cultural narratives. We will explore how to differentiate material and activities as well as how to scaffold experiences to make sure that they are developmentally appropriate and accessible for students. In thinking about working in schools and alternative learning spaces- we will explore how the existing standards for the arts are related to student development. Students will be expected to look closely at the stages of development through reflective notes and presentation of case studies. Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.

EDCE 7400C Teaching Literacy through the Arts

This course explores how teachers can help students develop literacy skills in order to better articulate ideas and create a base for further learning in a broad range of subjects. The course will also discuss strategies to support English Language Learners (ELL). The main concepts, structures, and conventions of the field of literacy and language acquisition through drama will also be investigated.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7400F Contemporary Problems and Issues in Childhood Education

The identification and study of classroom and school problems educators encounter in their teaching, including effective instruction for children with a range of special needs. Serves as an introduction to action research and as preparation for the research sequence of courses the student will complete at the final stage of the program. Required for professional certification in Childhood Education.




A minimum of 18 credits or special permission of advisor.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7410A Social Foundations in Urban Arts Education

The course will explore the history and purpose of arts education in urban contexts and how arts education has been impacted and implemented. Through critical analysis the course will explore how the dynamics of in-and out-of-school learning structures relate to larger social, cultural, economic, political and historical forces. This course will investigate the ways that social class, race, gender, community, ability, ethnicity, immigration, and sexuality intersect and impact educational experiences and the roles of arts  education in that process. The course is taught by using arts integration techniques to further model using the arts as a tool to teach. This course will also explore current educational policies and their impact on arts education at the international, federal, state, and city level, and how the arts can be solution-oriented in the school reform movement in urban settings. Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7401G Student Teaching in Childhood Education I and Seminar

Supervised teaching full time for seven weeks in grades 1-3 and weekly seminar. Required of all students in the initial certification program in childhood education who are not currently holding a full-time teaching position.




Advance approval required. 21 cr. of initial certification courses and CST examination (Advanced Certificate students: See advisor or program head for necessary prerequisites);


EDUC 1900G.

EDCE 7402A Introduction to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

This intensive introductory course provides practical information and experiences for teaching ESOL, including an overview of current language acquisition theories, NYS learning standards, and culturally relevant pedagogy. Participants use their fieldwork placements in combination with class readings and discussions as the basis for course assignments and teaching preparation. Practice teaching is an integral part of this course.




EDCE 7401A.


Instructional assignment in ESL summer school program.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7402G Student Teaching in Childhood Education II and Seminar

Supervised teaching full time for seven weeks in grades 4-6 and weekly seminar. Required of all students in the graduate initial certification program in childhood education who are not currently holding a full-time teaching position.




Advance approval required. 21 cr. of initial certification courses and CST examination. Advanced Certificate students: See advisor or program head for necessary prerequisites.

EDCE 7403G Supervised Teaching in Childhood Education I and Seminar

Supervised teaching for one semester in the students' own classroom in grades 1-3 or 4-6 and weekly seminar. Required of all students in the initial certification program who are presently teaching full time.




21 cr. of initial certification courses and CST examination. Advance approval required.


EDCE 1900Q.

EDCE 7404G Supervised Teaching in Childhood Education II and Seminar

Supervised student teaching for 120 hours at the grade level (1-3 or 4-6) that the student did not complete in Supervised Teaching I, and weekly seminar.




21 cr. of initial certification courses and CST examination. Advance approval required.

EDCE 7405G Student Teaching in Childhood Education and Seminar

Supervised student teaching for 100 hours at grade level (1-3 or 4-6) and weekly seminar. Includes special seminars on school violence prevention and intervention, safety education, and fire and arson prevention. Required of students in the Teaching Fellows program and similar programs that provide supervision of student teaching.




Advance approval required.

EDCE 7406G Supervised Student Teaching in Childhood Education Seminar

Supervised student teaching for one semester in the student's own classroom in grades 1 to 3 or 4 to 6 (the level being different from that in EDUC 0405G) and weekly seminar. Required of students in the Teaching Fellows program and similar programs that provide supervision of student teaching.




Advance approval required.

EDCE 7500C Emergent to Fluent Literacy

(Prereq. for Graduate Program in Literacy Acquisition and Development) Emergent to fluent literacy acquisition for students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and students with special needs; assessment of semantic, syntactic, phonic, and phonemic awareness; strategies for children having difficulties in acquisition of speaking, listening, reading, and writing competencies; organizing shared, guided, and independent reading and writing instruction; use of technology.



Contact Hours

15 hours of fieldwork in exemplary setting. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7500F Special Topics in Educational Theatre

This course will offer students an opportunity to explore a current topic in Educational Theatre in depth over a weekend of intensive study. The topic will vary each semester.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.;

EDCE 7501G Seminar in Bilingual Education

This weekly seminar addresses applications of the principles of teaching to all aspects of the curriculum; understandings and skills to plan a coherent and integrated curriculum; assessment systems that inform teaching and support student learning; developing classroom structures, routings, teaching strategies, and skills that build community and maintain discipline with a range of learners. Special emphasis is given to match instructional approaches with the needs and interests of diverse learners as well as how to build a respectful and productive classroom environment and effective home-school relations.




100 hours of fieldwork.


EDCE 7502G, EDUC 1900G.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 7502G Student Teaching in Bilingual Education

The student teaching experience is designed to provide prospective childhood teachers with opportunities to teach and critically analyze teaching practices in monolingual and bilingual classrooms. Students will: develop and improve teaching practices and organizational skills; practice the use two languages to meet the academic, cognitive and emotional needs of all students; practice formal and informal assessment techniques; examine special features of classroom management in the bilingual classroom; develop awareness of the many ways in which the classroom, home and community environment are supportive of the learner. 300 hrs.




EDCE 7501G, EDUC 1900G.

EDCE 7503G Student Teaching in TESOL (Grades Pre-K - 12)

Candidates will spend 15 weeks of supervised student teaching in grades Pre-K through 12, apportioned between elementary (P-6) and secondary (P-12) classroom settings. The supervised student teaching experience is designed to provide prospective English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers with opportunities to teach and critically analyze teaching practices in classroom for English language learners. Candidates will: develop and improve teaching strategies and organizational skills to meet the needs of all students; practice formal and informal assessment techniques; examine special features of classroom management; and develop awareness of learning environments, including home and community. Required of all students in the graduate initial certification program in TESOL.




EDCE 2600C, EDCE 5201C, EDCE 5400C, EDCE 5700C, EDCE 5800C, EDCE 6000K, EDCE 6800C, EDCE 6900C, and EDCE 7200C; 300 Hours of in-school experience and weekly seminar


EDCE 7504G, EDUC 1900G.

EDCE 7504G Seminar in TESOL

This weekly seminar addresses applications of the principles of teaching to all aspects of the curriculum: understandings and skills to plan a coherent and integrated curriculum; assessment systems that inform teaching and support student learning; developing classroom structures, routines, teaching strategies, and skills that build community and maintain discipline with a range of learners. Special emphasis is given to match instructional approaches with the needs and interests of diverse learners as well as how to build a respectful and productive classroom environment and effective home-school relations.




EDCE 2600C, EDCE 5201C, EDCE 5400C, EDCE 5700C, EDCE 5800C, EDCE 6000K, EDCE 6800C, EDCE 6900C, and EDCE 7200C; 300 Hours of in-school experience and weekly seminar


EDCE 7503G, EDUC 1900G.

EDCE 7510C Literacy Strategies: From Birth to 6th grade

This course will address children's literature, resources, content area literacies, texts, instructional texts, instructional strategies, differentiated instruction, and activities. We will also cover multiple literacies, multiple sign systems, and multimodal responses. Thus, this class will also consider literacies beyond school literacies and modalities beyond print modalities, and will expose people to a broad range of media technology that complement the developmental spectrum. Readings in this course will inform about literacy development for learners of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds as well as the students with special needs. Strategies for helping and assessing learners informally and formally with reading, listening, viewing, writing, and speaking will be discussed and developed. Practical applications of theoretical underpinnings of literacy development will be contextualized through organizing reading assignments, hands-on class activities, written assignments, and projects. The texts and discussions will explore the current philosophies of literacy instruction.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7600A Artistic Lab I

This course is an opportunity for new candidates in the program to collaborate artistically with veteran candidates. All candidates will facilitate their peers in an artistic experience as they reconnect to their artistry.



Contact Hours

15 hr./wk.

EDCE 7600C Fluent to Experienced Literacy

(Prereq. for Graduate Program in Literacy Acquisition and Development) Balanced literacy instruction for fluent readers and writers from a diversity of cultural and linguistic backgrounds and needs; becoming experienced in a variety of genres; literacy assessment, instructional implications, and curriculum design for inferential/deep structure comprehension; content area literacies; word work; selection of appropriate materials; use of technology.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork in exemplary setting. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7600F Conflict Resolution Through Theatre

This course explores how drama can provide a format for young people to discuss conflict resolution, peer pressure, bullying and other issues that affect them. The course will enable candidates to discover how to create a safe environment and empower children to develop problem solving skills and assume personal responsibility as well as understand perspective on a situation. This course includes creating lesson plans (learning experiences) and generating strategies to use in the classroom to navigate through these topics.


EDCE 7601A Artistic Lab II

This course is an opportunity for seasoned candidates in the program to collaborate artistically with new candidates. All candidates will facilitate their peers in an artistic experience as they reconnect to their artistry.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

EDCE 7603N Practicum in Childhood Education (grades 1-6)


EDCE 7610C Literacy Strategies and Resources in the Content Areas (5th-12th)

This course will explore literacy practices in the different content areas, and support teachers in developing instructional strategies and learning activities for literacy learning across the curriculum. Special areas of concentration will be: crafting a culturally responsive curriculum; content area literacies; interdisciplinary and cross curricular connections; different dimensions of reading comprehension with different text types and disciplinary contexts; writing to learn strategies; the use of popular and multimodal texts to support academic literacies; and an analysis of the Regents exams. There will be a special emphasis on specific strategies to support literacy learning and growth, particularly learners of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds as well as the students with special needs. Candidates will explore how different identities around age, gender, class, race, language, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, etc. are constructed through different literacy practices and cultural lenses.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7700A Drama in Education

This course explores how drama and theatre facilitate learning in educational, cultural, and community settings. Includes an examination of key aspects of the field's historical development through the work of prominent leaders, the relationships between theories of dramatic art and general education principles and the main concepts, pedagogies, and conventions of the field of Educational Theatre.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7703G Internship in Bilingual Special Education

Students will be assigned to a school and will spend half a semester teaching in a regular class and half a semester student teaching in a special class for exceptional bilingual children.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

EDCE 7800A Exploring the History of Theatre

This course explores dramatic texts from the historical and dramaturgical perspective. Different genres, styles and movements will be investigated, offering different perspectives and a comprehensive view of the role of theatre history in educational theatre. Beginning with the origins of theatre in ritual and play in ancient cultures, Roman and Byzantine theatre, western theatre from the Middle Ages to modernity, theatre of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as well as dramatic theory and criticism. Contemporary plays will also be studied. This course offers students the tools to analyze text, theatrical periods, and geographic and cultural areas. Dramaturgical studies will be investigated, as well as practical implementation of how to teach theatre history in the classroom.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7800C Critical Examination of Current Original Research in Literacy

Designed to help candidates explore the current research in literacy learning and teaching, this course combines theory and practice in an effort to integrate what we do in the classroom with what we understand about research, literacy, teaching, and learning. Candidates explore major literacy theorists, a range of theoretical frameworks, and a variety of research contexts and learn to locate, critique, annotate, and synthesize research. In raising and addressing issues and themes relevant to literacy and literacy research, the course emphasizes the range of literacy research, its purposes, rationales, significance, and implications.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork in certificate area. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 7801C Beginning Literacy Research Seminar

The first of a four semester course sequence designed to support candidates in conceptualizing a research project around literacy learning and teaching. In this first course, the focus is on the teacher as researcher and writer who discovers different ways of looking at literacy learning, formulates significant research questions, and pursues a line of inquiry. Candidates will investigate the ways in which their cultural backgrounds are connected to their research questions. Candidates will learn a variety of data collection tools for conducting teacher research and engage hands-on research techniques to further these theoretical understandings.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 2 hr./wk.

EDCE 7802C Literacy Research Seminar II

The second of a four semester course designed to support candidates in conceptualizing a research project around literacy learning and teaching. In this second semester, the focus is on the teacher as researcher and writer who develops expertise in a certain area of the literature, discovers the silences and gaps in the present literature, and who chooses a theoretical framework. Candidates will develop further skills in critiquing and analyzing research and will design a literature review in which they bring together major voices, concepts, and contributions in their chosen literacy area.




EDCE 0801C.

Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 2 hr./wk.

EDCE 7803C Literacy Research Seminar III

The third of a four semester course designed to support candidates in conceptualizing a research project around literacy learning and teaching. In this semester the focus is on the teacher as researcher and writer who develops expertise in choosing research methods, creating a specific research design, and implementing this research design. Candidates will develop further skills in articulating the construction, purposes, rationales, and specific formats of a variety of research methods. Candidates will design a methodology chapter where they bring all of these knowledges and skills together. Candidates will begin to implement data collection and learn some techniques for data analysis.




EDCE 7801C and EDCE 7802C.

Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 2 hr./wk.

EDCE 7804C Literacy Research Seminar IV

This course is the final of four research seminars. Work will focus on the completion, publication, and public presentation of research findings. Students will view their work in the context of the professional literacy organizations and journals and prepare to present their question, research design for collecting data, conclusions, and new emerging questions in a public forum for all students in the Graduate Literacy Acquisition and Development Program.




EDCE 7801C, EDCE 7802C, and EDCE 7803C.

Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

EDCE 7900A Devising Theatre K-12

This course explores how the creation of original material fosters empowerment through participation and discovery. Inherent in the aesthetic approach to devising theatre is the development of personal understanding, decision-making, and collaborative tools, thus fostering communication skills and social exchange. The main concepts, structures and conventions of devising theatre will be investigated. Guidelines for devising and structuring drama/theatre programs and curricula will be explored.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 9602G Guidance Services


EDCE 9604G Literacy Programs
