EDCE 5100C Teaching Foreign Languages in Elementary Education

Objectives, principles, and methods of teaching modern languages in the elementary school. Problems of organizing foreign language teaching. Study and evaluation of curricula, syllabi, textbooks, language tests, audio-visual aids, and the language laboratory and area-study materials.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5201C Methods of Teaching English Language Arts to Bilingual English Language Learners (P-Grade 6)

This course is designed to help participants develop instructional experiences that provide for the acquisition of literacy in a second language (English) to non-native speakers (pre-K - 6) whose cultural background differs from that of the majority culture. While focusing primarily on practical approaches to teaching literacy, the course will also address theoretical issues that underlie the development and implementation of effective strategies to support English language learners.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5202C Teaching Language Arts in Spanish to Multilingual Students

Methods and practices for teaching language arts in Spanish as well as the identification and development of relevant materials for multilingual students. 



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 5203C Teaching Language Arts & Reading to Bilingual-Bicultural Students (Haitian)

Methods and materials for the teaching of reading and language in Haitian/Creole to Haitian/Creole-dominant and English-dominant children.




EDCE 5300C.

Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5204C Teaching Language Arts in Chinese to Multilingual Students

Methods and practices for teaching language arts in Chinese as well as the identification and development of relevant materials for multilingual students. 



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 5300C Theories, Policies, and Programs for Emergent Bilingual Students

This course explores the historical background, policies, approaches and theoretical foundations of P-12 bilingual education and ESL programs for emergent bilingual students in the U.S. It also considers the social, cultural, political and economic context that surrounds the education of students in urban schools.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5400C Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages I (Pre K-grade 6)

Methods and materials for teaching English to non-native speakers grades pre-K - 6, with a focus on communicative and content-based instruction; appropriateness of various techniques, resources, and assessments for different learning styles, language and cultural backgrounds, age and proficiency levels, including gifted and talented students and those with special developmental needs; history of ESOL teaching, and the links between teaching practice and theories of language and language learning. The course includes attention to theories and practices involved in the teaching of ESOL by means of instruction in the content areas of mathematics, science and technology, social studies, and the arts.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5401C Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

This intensive introductory course provides practical information and experiences for teaching ESOL, with particular attention to urban schools, language minority students, and the NYC school system. Part I focuses on introductory issues in education and instructional models. Open to first-semester TESOL Teaching Fellows only.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5500C Children of the Caribbean Cultures & Curriculum

The cultural background of these children and their parents, and the problems of adjustment to a complex urban society. Attention to learning behavior affected by the difficulty of communication and new school environments.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk

EDCE 5700C Education That Is Multicultural

Analyzes the various components of a desirable education in a pluralistic society; provides opportunities for developing curriculum and strategies which reflect respect and dignity for all people; examines students' needs within a humanistic framework; critically examines instructional materials for bias.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5701G Practicum Teaching Bilingual Special Education

Assessing and developing skills for teaching language minority students with disabilities. Field supervision, integrative seminar, individual conferences. Approval required one semester in advance; open only to matriculants.




Completion of 15 credits.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5800C Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Designed to develop the students' understanding of the different theories that have been developed to explain the process of acquisition of second languages and of the interaction between such theories and strategies for maintaining and developing bilingualism.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5900C Development and Evaluation of Materials for Teaching Second Languages: English

Designed to familiarize students with commercial materials used in teaching second languages, and to increase their capacity to develop materials of their own.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 5901G Curriculum and Instructional Approaches in Bilingual Special Education

Examination and development of curriculum and material for teaching language minority students with disabilities in English and non-English. Special emphasis will be given to NYS learning standards for science and social studies.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.