PSCE - Secondary Education Political Science Course Descriptions

PSCE 1600C Political Parties

Political parties in relation to the electoral process, pressure politics, and democratic theory. Emphasis will be given to both the theory and dynamics of party politics.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

PSCE 3200F Independent Study and Research in Political Science

Open to qualified graduate students in the School of Education interested in the study of special problems. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.


Variable 1-3 cr./sem.


Requires sponsorship by an appropriate faculty member and approval of the Advisory Committee.

Contact Hours

Hours to be arranged.

PSCE 5200C The Governments of the New York Area

Government and administration of the central city and suburban communities. Emergence of regional forms of metropolitan government (e.g., the Port Authority) and of metropolitan planning as a means of metropolitan integration. Relation of local to state authority.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

PSCE 6200C Civic Participation of Youth

This course focuses on how youth develop civic identities and engage in civic life. Class readings and assignments will help students consider the history of civic education, current models of youth civic participation, and the value of various civic competencies.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

PSCE 7500E President and Congress

The nature of executive and legislative power in American national government, with particular focus upon constitutional bases, politics, and contemporary operation of the elective branches.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

PSCE 7800C American Political Thought

Development of political ideas in the United States, with particular relation to the forces and events that have influenced liberal and conservative theory.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.