EDUC - Teaching, Learning, and Culture Course Descriptions

EDUC 0502A Adolescent Learning in the Urban Context (Teaching Fellows)

This course is intended to help Teaching Fellows learn and apply modern theories of and research on developmental, educational, and cognitive psychology to their classroom instruction. Special emphasis is on theories that are relevant to adolescents, i.e., students in middle, intermediate, and high schools in the urban setting. It is also intended to help candidates a) become reflective practitioners who teach for and with metacognition; b) utilize the diversity in the classroom; c) create a caring community; and d) develop leadership skills.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDUC 1200N Workshops on Use of Data and Technology

This workshop focuses on the use of data to inform instruction, improve student learning, and document student performance. It also explores the use of technology to enhance instruction and student learning.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

EDUC 1300N Workshops on Differentiated Instruction and Assessment

This workshop focuses on strategies to differentiate instruction to address the learning and socioemotional needs of all learners. It also focuses on the implementation of multiple forms of formative and summative assessments.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

EDUC 1900G Workshops on Child Abuse Identification, School Violence Prevention, Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), and Other Professional Topics

This course has seven workshops that cover the following topics: Child Abuse Identification; School Violence Prevention; Dignity for All Students Act (DASA); NYCDoE’s Teacher Application procedures and Career Development with our NYCDoE recruiter; Setting up your NYSED TEACH account; Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills with the Assistant Director of the CCNY Career and Professional Development Office; Presentation by the United Federation of Teacher’s (UFT) Director of Appointments and Licensing.




Student Teaching.

Contact Hours

30 hr./sem.

EDUC 2100K Developmental Issues in Early Childhood Education

In-depth study of the developmental progression and the active nature of young childrenÆs learning. Major developmental theories are critically examined and illuminated through candidatesÆ experiences with children of diverse needs from varying backgrounds. Implications for program planning, classroom organization, and differentiating curriculum to meet special needs are continually drawn. Required for professional certification.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDUC 3100N Independent Study and Research in Education

Open to qualified graduate students in the School of Education interested in the study of special problems. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.


Variable 1-3 cr./sem.


Requires sponsorship by an appropriate faculty member.

Contact Hours

Hours to be arranged.

EDUC 7000I Introduction to Educational Research

The first semester of the research sequence covers the basic concepts needed to evaluate research critically and plan it effectively. Each student will identify a problem in his or her major area, review the literature related to that problem, and design a project to study the problem. The study will be carried out during the second semester. This course should be taken no later than the semester prior to the one in which the student expects to complete the requirements for the degree.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDUC 7100A Urban Schools in a Diverse Society

Selected significant social, political, and economic forces which influence the school as an institution and which in turn are influenced by the school, especially in urban settings that educate students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Includes history, philosophy, sociology and politics of education.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork at either the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDUC 7100I Individual Study in Educational Research

Second semester of research sequence. Consideration of research design, sampling, instrumentation, data collection, statistical or qualitative data presentation. Students will execute the study developed during the first semester and prepare a written report, in research form, of the complete study.




EDUC 7000I.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDUC 7200A Psychology of Learning and Teaching

Theories and principles of learning and instruction pertinent to achievement, development, self-regulation, and behavior in children from culturally and ethnically-diverse backgrounds. Includes classroom applications, testing and evaluation.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDUC 7300A Child Development

Theories and principles of development pertinent to culturally and ethnically-diverse and inclusive classrooms with an emphasis on classroom applications and fieldwork.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDUC 7400A The School in American Society: Bilingual Education in the Urban School

Analysis of selected social, political, and economic forces that influence the school as an institution, and in turn are influenced by the school, especially in urban settings. Special attention to immigrant, bilingual, and language minority groups. Not open to students who have taken EDUC 22100, EDUC 22200, or equivalent.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDUC 7500A Adolescent Learning and Development

The evolution of how theories and research on learning and development manifest themselves in urban settings for teachers of adolescents. Teacher-centered and student-centered, human and technology-based approaches, emphasizing those promoting independent, self-regulated adolescent learners. Theories, their cultural implications and their classroom applications: learning, intelligence, motivation, affect, parenting styles, classroom communications, and classroom management strategies.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDUC 7502A Adolescent Learning in the Urban Context (Teaching Fellows)

This course is intended to help Teaching Fellows learn and apply modern theories of and research on developmental, educational, and cognitive psychology to their classroom instruction. Special emphasis is on theories that are relevant to adolescents, i.e., students in middle, intermediate, and high schools in the urban setting. It is also intended to help candidates a) become reflective practitioners who teach for and with metacognition; b) utilize the diversity in the classroom; c) create a caring community, and d) develop leadership skills.  



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDUC 9602G Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Education

The supervisor's responsibilities in such areas as program making, staff development, pupil/personnel, and program/department management. Cases and problems examined in laboratory settings, taught by joint administration and specialized area faculty. Special permission required.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDUC 9800G Educational Leadership in Day Care

Role of the director in setting priorities for the center and its early childhood program. Supervision and development of staff. Relations with governmental agencies, sponsoring agency, board, and community. Open only to matriculants in the Day Care Leadership Program or by special permission.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.