The School of Education

Dr. Edwin M. Lamboy, Dean • NA 3/203 • Tel: 212-650-5471

The School of Education, an outgrowth of the extension courses organized in the fall of 1908 for teachers, librarians, and social workers, was established as a separate school of The City College in the spring of 1921. It is organized under its own faculty to prepare men and women for various educational services, teaching and non-teaching, in day care/preschool setting, as well as in the elementary and secondary schools. It is also open to in-service personnel who wish to take courses for professional improvement.


In collaboration with the other schools and divisions of The City College, the School of Education offers programs of study in a number of professional fields. Professional preparation for educational service is under the jurisdiction of the Board of the Trustees of The City University of New York and is coordinated by its Committee on Coordination of Teacher Education.


The graduate programs lead to the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Master of Science in Education. Initial, professional and advanced certificate programs are available in many professional fields. Advanced certification programs are designed to accommodate those who desire certification as a teacher or school leader but are not pursuing a degree. Some advanced certificate programs require a master's degree for admission. For elementary and middle school teachers, a variety of programs are offered including bilingual and special education. For secondary school teachers, highly specialized professional courses are offered in the context of the discipline taught and supported heavily by course work in these content areas. For current and prospective school supervisors and administrators, programs that are designed to address school and district needs and priorities are offered. The college participates in offering the doctorate (Ph.D.) in both Educational Psychology and Urban Education at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.