Degree Requirements

Matriculated Status.  Degree candidates are required to be matriculants and to complete the minimum number of graduate credits specified in an approved program of study (not less than 30), to pass a written Qualifying Examination (unless a "B" average is achieved at graduation), and to complete introduction to Educational Research (EDUC 7000I) and Individual Study in Educational Research (EDUC 7100I) or designated equivalent courses.

Approvals.  All courses to be credited toward advanced certificates, the degree of master of arts, master of science, and master of science in education must be included in the program of study, approved by the major field advisor before candidates register for courses.

Enrollment Residence and Time Limitations.  To be continued as a matriculant in a master’s degree program, a candidate is required to take at least one approved course in each semester beginning in September and to maintain academic standards established by the Committee on Course and Standing. All requirements for the degree must be completed within a five-year period from the date of matriculation. When advanced standing has been granted, one year will be deducted from this five-year period for each six credits of such advanced standing.

Extension of Time Limitation.  Requests for extension of the time for the completion of graduate work should be made in writing in advance of the termination of the four-year period and addressed to the School of Education Committee on Course and Standing. Extensions of time are given for compelling reasons.

Exceptions to Enrollment Residence.  Exceptions to the above enrollment rules may be made in the case of candidates who apply in advance and are granted a maternity, military or medical leave, etc. Requests for such leaves should be made in writing and addressed to the Assistant Dean of Enrollment and Student Services.

Withdrawal from Courses.  Candidates wishing to withdraw from courses must report to the Office of the Registrar to make formal application and inform their program director of their intent prior to withdrawing.

Credit Limitations.  Graduates who are teaching or otherwise fully employed may not take more than six credits in any one semester,  unless prior approval has been given by the program director. Full time Candidates status is established at twelve credits. However, persons who are carrying a full schedule may not take more than sixteen credits in the semester, including all courses taken in the several divisions of the College, unless written permission has been secured from the School of Education Committee on Course and Standing.

Academic Requirements.  The right is reserved to ask the withdrawal of any candidate who fails to maintain a satisfactory record in graduate courses.

Professional Requirements.  While physical fitness, knowledge of the subject area, and the ability to use English (and the second language, in the case of bilingual childhood education majors) skillfully in writing and speaking are important, there is another criterion for teaching which is probably the most difficult to evaluate: familiarity with professional dispositions expected of educators as delineated in professional, state and institutional standards. This is evaluated through personal interviews with the candidates throughout the progress toward the degree. Candidates who fail to meet this requirement may be subject to dismissal from the School of Education.

Applying for Graduation.  Candidates for degrees and advanced certificates must apply for graduation by the deadlines sent by the Office of the Registrar ( To apply, candidates must refer to their Student Self Service accounts in CUNYfirst.

Maintenance of Matriculation.  See Academic Requirements and Regulations section (p. ) of this bulletin.

Graduation Honors.  Candidates graduating with a GPA of 3.7 and with no grade below "B" in courses applicable to the degree and who have exhibited high personal and professional qualities may be recommended to the dean to be awarded honors.

Academic and Professional Standards

Each graduate program establishes the academic and professional standards expected of its candidates. Traditional professional standards conform to but are not limited to the codes of ethics of professional educational associations.

The right is reserved to ask for the withdrawal of any candidate who fails to meet professional standards and/or fails to maintain a satisfactory academic record in courses. Offenses include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, inappropriate behavior, and unsatisfactory grade-point average.

Jurisdiction Over Academic and Professional Standards

Department chairs have jurisdiction over offenses regarding academic and professional standards for any candidate whose field of interest is in their department.

Procedure for Handling Violations

Violations of academic and professional standards shall be reported in writing to the department chair and a copy sent to the offender as soon as possible, but no later than one week after the offense is alleged to have taken place. In any appeal, the candidate must first arrange an appeal conference with the instructor who shall arrange a conference with the candidate as expeditiously as possible in order to settle the issue informally. The decision agreed upon shall be reported in writing to all persons involved, including the Assistant Dean of Enrollment and Student Services, the department chair, and the dean.

Appeals Procedures for Academic Judgments

The School of Education Committee on Course and Standing will review only appeals that pertain to the School of Education. Candidates who wish to appeal academic judgments, including grades, begin by discussing the grades with the instructor as soon as possible after the grade is issued. Grades in courses may not be changed after the first month of the following semester without the approval of the department chair and dean, and no grade may be changed after a student has graduated.

If, after discussing the grade or other academic judgment with the instructor, a candidate wishes to pursue an appeal, he or she must discuss it with the program director. The program director will make an independent recommendation and then forward it to the department Chair and to the Committee on Course and Standing.

The candidate may pursue the appeal further to the Committee on Course and Standing, which has final jurisdiction. Such appeals are transmitted to the Committee through the Assistant Dean of Enrollment and Student Services and, in general, candidates should discuss the appeal with the Assistant Dean before submitting a formal appeal.

The Committee on Course and Standing considers appeals in writing and neither the candidate nor the instructor appears in person. The candidate's appeal should be in the form of a detailed letter accompanied by any supporting evidence the candidate wishes to submit, including copies of papers or letters from other candidates or instructors. Appeal forms are available online and in the Office of Admissions & Student Services.

The Committee normally asks the instructor, the program director, and the department chair to comment, in writing, on the candidate's appeal. On request, the Assistant Dean will discuss these responses with the candidate before the Committee meets. The Committee's decision is sent to the candidate in writing by the Assistant Dean. Other academic appeals, such as appeals from probation, academic dismissal, and failures for poor attendance may be appealed directly to the Committee on Course and Standing. In addition, requests for waivers of degree requirements, extensions for incompletes, limitations on registration, and similar matters should be made to the Committee.