Grading and Course Information

Grades awarded in the School of Education are:

 A  Excellent (includes + and – grades)
 B  Good (includes + and – grades)
 C  Fair (includes + grades only) (lowest passing grade for graduate credit)
 F  No credit granted. If this grade is received in a required course, the course must be repeated. This is an earned grade based on poor performance and the candidate not meeting the learning objectives/outcomes of the course throughout the entire academic term/session.
 W  Withdrew without penalty
 WN  Never Attended and did not officially withdraw.
 WU  Attended a minimum of one class and completely stopped attending at any time before final week.
 INC  Incomplete. Given by the instructor in consultation with the candidate. This is a temporary grade, authorized only where unavoidable circumstances have prevented the completion of course assignments. It is expected that candidates will complete the requirements by the date agreed upon with their instructor, but no later than the published date the following year. If extraordinary situations require a further extension, it must be obtained through the Committee on Course and Standing. Graduating candidates must complete courses before the semester’s graduation date (September 1, February 1, and the official June commencement date) in order to graduate at the expected date.

An average grade of B (3.0) is required for graduation. Candidates whose academic status falls below this standard will be placed on probation. In special circumstances, with the approval of program faculty, students with a GPA between 2.75 and 3.0 may sit for a qualifying examination.

Normally, students are not permitted to repeat a course that they have already passed. If permitted to do so, the second grade is not counted in computing the scholastic average, unless the Committee on Course and Standing so authorizes.

Important Note on Restricted Courses
There are several kinds of courses which are limited in their enrollment to certain categories of candidates. These restrictions are noted in the course descriptions. Candidates who register contrary to these rules will be dropped from the course and may lose part or all of their tuition. Restrictions are as follows:
Special permission required. Permission is to be obtained in writing from the major advisor in the candidates' field or program only. This may be done at the time of registration.

Open to matriculants only. This indicates that only those persons in an approved program leading to the master’s degree, post-master’s, or an advanced certificate may take the course. In some instances, the course may be open only to matriculants in a particular program; if so, this restriction is stated in the course listing.
Open only to. Certain courses are restricted to special groups of candidates (e.g., science majors or those with 10 credits of graduate work). In each case, the limitation is specified in the course listing.

Advanced approval required. Candidates must receive written permission from the appropriate advisor during the preceding semester, prior to the date listed in the collegiate calendar for obtaining such permissions. This date is normally about the middle of April or November.

Prerequisite or corequisite courses. In each instance where particular courses are listed as pre- or corequisite, equivalent courses may be presented for the advisor’s approval. Candidates registering without the necessary prerequisite or corequisites will be barred from such classes.

Prerequisite Education Courses
There may be courses in the foundations of education which should be taken before other education courses, unless special permission has been obtained from the program advisor to follow some other sequence. These courses differ by program.

Independent Study
Candidates can include up to 6 credits of independent study courses in their programs, as appropriate. Such work may only be embarked upon under the advisement of a program advisor. Candidates who wish to take an independent study course must do so with the agreement of the faculty member who will act as mentor for such work. This must be done in advance of registration.

Admission to Student Teaching/Practicum
Only candidates who are matriculated in graduate programs in the School of Education will be admitted to student teaching/practicum courses. Those matriculated candidates who wish to take student teaching/practicum courses must apply before the deadline announced in the preceding semester to the Office of Clinical Practice - Field Experiences and Student Teaching, NA 6/207A, 212-650-6915, practice for further information.

Admission Requirements for Student Teaching/Practicum
To be admitted, candidates must have:

  1. A completed application submitted to the Office of Clinical Practice
  2. A completed recommendation form from their program advisor
  3. A successful interview with the Director of Clinical Practice
  4. All prerequisite courses and no INC grades
  5. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  6. Satisfactory results from the tuberculin (TB) test (if not employed with the New York City Department of Education)
  7. 100 hours of field experiences
  8. Passing score on the Educating All Students (EAS) test or the Content Specialty Test (CST) (applicants for Mathematics Education are required to complete the CST-Mathematics to be eligible for student teaching)
  9. Score of "Advanced Low" or higher on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) (for Spanish Education applicants)

Admission to student teaching/practicum requires satisfactory completion of academic requirements as well as the meeting of appropriate professional standards. Applications are reviewed by the School of Education Student Services Committee, which determines eligibility for admission to student teaching/practicum. Decisions of the Student Services Committee may be appealed to the School of Education’s Committee on Course & Standing, whose decisions are final.

Courses in the Graduate Division College of Liberal Arts and Science
Matriculants for advanced certificates or a master’s degree in the School of Education are afforded the opportunity of enrolling in the courses offered in the Graduate Division of the College of Liberal Arts and Science under the following conditions.

  1. Not more than twelve credits taken in that division may be credited toward the graduate degree in the School of Education.
  2. Each course included in a student’s program of study must be approved in writing by the student’s major field advisor and by the appropriate departmental advisor in the College of Liberal Arts and Science.

Except for the limitations cited above, students in a master’s program will receive the same privileges accorded them in courses offered in the School of Education. Further details about courses are contained in this Bulletin.

Courses in Other Divisions of The City College
Non-Degree Students. The School of Education cannot give permission to non-degree students to take courses in other divisions of the College. Such candidates must arrange their own registration in other divisions of the College and fulfill requirements of these divisions.

Matriculants. Matriculated graduate candidates who wish to take undergraduate courses must obtain the approval of their major field advisor and must complete enrollment in courses at the time and place of School of Education registration. (See schedule of courses of the Graduate School of Education for time of registration and further information.)

Permission to register in courses of other divisions of the College is issued provisionally and subject to cancellation if the courses have reached their maximum enrollment.

Courses at Institutions other than The City College
Advance Approval. A matriculated candidate who desires to take courses in an institution other than The City College must secure advance written approval for such courses from the major field advisor. If these courses are to be taken at one of the other colleges of the City University of New York, the candidate must file an e-permit prior to the registration period. No more than 6 credits of transfer courses may be applied to degree requirements.

Proof of Outside Work. The candidate is responsible for having an official transcript sent from the other institutions as soon as final grades are available. A candidate who expects to be graduated at the end of the current term should not register in courses at another institution.