BME - Biomedical Engineering Course Descriptions

BME G6600 Biodesign 2: Conceptual Innovation

The second course of a three course sequence in which a yearlong group project will be undertaken to design and construct a biomedical engineering device or system. This second course focuses on the development of a conceptual solution to the pharmaceutical, biotechnological or medical device need identified in Capstone 1 course, taking advantage of the creative group process and the power of computer design and prototyping to evaluate innovative conceptual solutions. The content of this course will include Ideation and Brainstorming, Concept Screening, Prototyping, and Final Concept Selection




BME G6500

Contact Hours

1 hour lecture and 2 hour lab/week

BME G6700 Biodesign 3: Translational Solutions

The third course of a three course sequence in which a yearlong group project will be undertaken to design and construct a biomedical engineering device or system. This third course focuses on the implementation of the conceptual design solution defined in Capstone 2 course. The conceptual design and prototype will be transformed into a product that can be marketed and used at the bedside to treat patients. The content of this course will focus on final product development, testing and clinical validation methods as well as preparation of documents for regulatory submission. Students will learn to develop a translational solution to a biomedical need within the constraints of a real world problem including quality and process management, reimbursement strategy, marketing and stakeholder strategy, sales and distribution strategy, competitive advantage and business strategy, operating plan and financial model, business plan development, funding sources, and licensing and alternate pathways.




BME G6600.

Contact Hours

1 hour lecture and 2 hour lab/week

BME I0000 Biomedical Engineering Seminar

Research seminar with invited speakers.


1, repeatable up to 3 times

Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

BME I2000 Cell and Tissue Engineering

The course covers the underlying mechanisms of cell/tissue fate processes and their interaction with biomaterials as well as how to study them quantitatively using engineering methods. Students will gain knowledge of current products of bioartificial organs in research, clinical trials and industry, their limitations and prospects. The course will prepare students with the ability to identify challenges in the field of tissue engineering and provide feasible solutions through the writing of term papers in the format of a research proposal.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk

BME I2200 Cell and Tissue Transport

The course will start with an analysis of water, solute, gas, and heat exchange in the microcirculation and the relationship between structure and function. Active transport across membranes will be considered and applied to the kidney and secretory organs. Transport in biological porous media will be examined and applied to bone, cartilage, and arterial wall. An introduction to receptors and their role in transport, cell adhesion, and intracellular signaling will be presented. The course will conclude with student presentations on topics of current interest.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I2300 Translational Nanomedicine

This course will introduce students to the design and characterization of nanoscale materials and related biomaterials for use in clinical and biomedical sciences. Students will learn to identify properties of materials that translate well to clinical utility. Students will also learn to interpret data on the physicochemical properties of nanomaterials and their interactions with biological systems. Individual and group-based projects will evaluate nanomaterials in various stages of clinical translation to understand the materials design properties which contribute to their success or failure. Students will be prepared to identify challenges in biomedical sciences that can be addressed through the unique characteristics of nanomedicine.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I3000 Neural Engineering and Applied Bioelectricity

An overview of the field of neural engineering including neuronal biophysics, synaptic and non-synaptic communication, electrophysiological techniques, field potential and current source density analysis. The course introduces fundamentals of applied bioelectricity/electrical prosthetic (FES) including electric field-neuronal interactions and electrocution hazards.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I3110 Biofluid Mechanics

The basic principles of fluid mechanics will be developed and applied to biological systems. Major topics include: Navier-Stokes flows, non-Newtonian flows, unsteady flows, boundary layers, lubrication theory, fluid-solid coupling /wave propagation, interstitial flow, electroosmosis (all with biomedical applications).




Undergraduate course in fluid mechanics or the equivalent

Contact Hours


BME I4200 Organ Transport and Pharmacokinetics

Application of basic transport principles (conservation of mass and momentum equations) to major animal and human organ systems. Topics include mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis, anatomical, physiological, and pathological features of the cerebral, respiratory, renal, cutaneous and gastrointestinal systems. Basic concepts in pharmacokinetic analysis for drug administration are also discussed. Related and recent research articles will be discussed. Students will be guided to write up a proposal regarding a current topic.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I4300 Physiology for Biomedical Engineers

This course is designed to provide biomedical engineering students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of human physiology. It covers a broad range of topics, from cellular physiology to the physiology of organs and organ systems. The course includes units devoted to the study of membrane solute transport, nerve and muscle functions, functions of the autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system as well as renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal and endocrine systems. Instructional activities include lectures, case presentations, laboratories and special conferences.



Contact Hours

7 hr./wk.

BME I5000 Medical Imaging and Image Processing

This course introduces basic medical imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). Students will gain understanding in the basic physics of image acquisition and the algorithms required for image generation. Basic image enhancement, and image analysis will be presented in the context of X-ray imaging and microscopy. The course will include linear systems, random variables, and estimation theory. Students will gain hands-on experience in image processing through MATLAB programming in class and in assignments.



Contact Hours

3 hr./ wk.

BME I5100 Biomedical Signal Processing

This course introduces two fundamental concepts of signal processing: linear systems and stochastic processes. Various estimation, detection and filtering methods are developed and demonstrated on biomedical signals. The methods include harmonic analysis, auto-regressive model, Wiener and Matched filters, linear discriminates, and independent components. All methods will be developed to answer concrete questions on specific data sets such as electro-cardiograms, eletro-encephalography, acoustic signals, or neural spike trains. The lectures will be accompanied by data analysis assignments using MATLAB.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I5600 Cell Mechanotransduction

The course covers the basic principles and latest developments in the transduction of mechanical forces into cellular biochemical responses (mechanotransduction). The principles are presented in the context of specific cell types and tissues including: cardiovascular, bone, kidney, cartilage, intervertebral disk and others. A team of academic experts presents lectures on specific tissues emphasizing the general principles of mechanotransduction as they apply to specific cell types. Key papers will be assigned to students for class presentation and discussion. A final literature review will be required.




Undergraduate course in cell and molecular biology and biomechanics or the equivalent

Contact Hours

2.5 hr./wk.

BME I6000 Advanced Biomaterials

This course is concerned with the design and fabrication of advanced biomaterials for clinical applications. The major classes of materials and characterization methods are presented to provide a foundation for more specialized topics focusing on novel materials with tailored structural and biological properties to facilitate interactions with living tissue. Topics to be discussed include surface modification to engineer cell-instructive materials, self-assembled and nanostructured materials, hybrid composite materials, environmentally responsive "smart" biomaterials, and decellularized natural matrices.




BME 50300 / BME I7300 or equivalent

Contact Hours

2.5 hr./wk.

BME I6100 Intellectual Property, Regulation and Quality Assurance

This course comprises the study of fundamental topics of intellectual property (IP), such as patents, copyright and related rights, and trademarks.  Contemporary issues of the IP field, including unfair competition, enforcement of IP rights, and emerging issues in IP are also discussed.  Regulation of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices will cover applicable laws and regulations in the strategic planning, development, manufacture, and commercialization of health care products.  The quality portion of the course is focused on FDA Quality System Regulation (QSR) framework and requirements.  These topics will be analyzed with a focus on safety, surveillance, business, law, and procedures surrounding the regulations in the health care industry.  Students will be prepared to work



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I6200 Cost Analysis and the Business of Translation

This course focuses on business fundamentals inherent to translational product development, including stakeholder analysis, market analysis, business models, reimbursement, and health economic analysisSelect “in-the-news” case studies will be used to expand on the fundamental concepts introduced in the course.


This course is open only to students enrolled in the Master’s in Translational Medicine (MTM) program.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

BME I6300 Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership

This course will focus on the Lean Start-up Method that has come to dominate the high-tech and start-up worlds.   The Lean Start-up Method favors experimentation, customer feedback, and iterative design over traditional business approaches that rely on big design and planning up front.  Students will learn how to use a combination of business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, feedback, and iterative product releases to speed up product development cycles, understand capital market and risk, and develop strategies for product launches.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I6400 Translational Challenges in Diagnostics, Devices and Therapeutics

This course covers a broad range of topics in the development and operation of medical diagnostics, devices, and therapeutics and combines lectures, readings, case studies, and class discussion. Faculty and experts in biomedical engineering, biotechnology, healthcare and relevant industries will discuss the challenges they encounter in their practice, and opportunities for advancing their fields by new inventions and discoveries. Focus will be on existing and emerging biomedical and clinical technologies, in terms of their core physiology, engineering, societal and economic costs. Students will actively participate in verbal and written assignments to examine and evaluate individual technologies. Additionally, students will work together to co-create an environment for robust.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I6500 Capstone Design I: Identifying the Problem

The first course of a three-course sequence in which a yearlong team-based project will be undertaken to design and construct a biomedical technology.  In this first course, students will learn to identify unmet needs within a given medical area, select a need to address, and design an initial technology-based design concept to pursue throughout the remainder of their Capstone project.  Select “in-the-news” case studies will be used to expand on the fundamental concepts introduced in the course.


This course is open only to students enrolled in the Master’s in Translational Medicine (MTM) program.



Contact Hours


BME I6600 Capstone design 2: Conceptual Innovation

The second course of a three-course sequence in which a yearlong team-based project will be undertaken to design and construct a biomedical technology.  This second course focuses on iteration of the initial technology-based design concept developed in Capstone I and fabrication of the functional prototype of the final design concept.  Students will learn key aspects of research and development (R&D) and project management.  In addition, students will learn to tailor their written and oral communications to audiences from diverse professional backgrounds.  Select “in-the-news” case studies will be used to expand on the fundamental concepts introduced in the course.



Contact Hours

1h lecture and 2h lab/wk.

BME I6700 Capstone Design III: Translational Solutions

The third course of a three-course sequence in which a yearlong team-based project will be undertaken to design and construct a biomedical technology.  This third course focuses on initial testing of the functional prototype developed in Capstone II.  Depending on the project, students may conduct bench-top and/or initial user testing.  Students will also develop a full commercialization strategy for their technology and learn to communicate this strategy to public and private funding bodies.  Select “in-the-news” case studies will be used to expand on the fundamental concepts introduced in the course.




BME I6600

Contact Hours


BME I6800 Clinical Immersion and Need Statement Development

This course will introduce students to the process of conducting clinical observations and interviews with the goal of identifying unmet needs in the healthcare sector. Students will work in teams to develop need statements that define the problem, population, and outcome associated each unmet need. Teams will use analyses introduced in the course to select (at least) three high-potential unmet needs from those identified. These needs will be presented to a faculty panel which will determine which needs will move forward as design projects. The course will include topics such as strategic focus, ethics in biodesign, observations and problem identification, interviews, value exploration, disease state fundamentals, existing solutions, stakeholder analysis, market analysis, need selection, and need specification.



Contact Hours


BME I7000 Laboratory in Cellular and Molecular Engineering

The course covers current biotechnologies used in molecular, cell and tissue engineering research labs as well as biotech industries through lectures and hands-on labs. There are four modules: (1) cell processing, basic microscopy & tissue engineering, (2) gene manipulation and genetic engineering, (3) advanced microscopy and fluorescent probes, and (4) probing biocomplexity and protein analysis. The students are required to design their own experimental methods to solve the given biomedical problems according to the basic protocols in manuals/books/papers provided by the instructor.




BIO 22900 and BME 31000, or equivalent.

Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

BME I7100 Cell and Tissue Mechanics

Mechanical properties of hard and soft tissue are presented with emphasis on the stress adaptive processes that enable cells to adapt the mechanical/structural properties of tissue in which they live to the environment they experience. Topics to be covered include whole body biomechanics, occupational and sports injury, impact biomechanics, and tissue level biomechanics. The biomechanics of implants and cell biomechanics will be described briefly and their interrelationship explored. The mechanical properties of tissues will be reviewed, with an emphasis on the structure-function relationship. The stress adaptive mechanisms of tissues will be noted, with special emphasis on the stress adaptation observed in bone (Wolff's law) and in the arterial wall (Murray's law). The structural properties of cells, including their strength, deformability, and adhesive properties, will be covered, as well as the adaptation of cell structural properties. Cell receptors and cell signaling mechanisms will be described.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I7300 Cell and Tissue-Biomaterial Interactions

This course is concerned with the reaction and interaction of both inert and bioactive foreign materials placed in the living human body. Topics to be discussed include atomic structure and bulk properties of the major classes of implantable materials; biocompatibility; characterization of non-living biomaterials; reaction of biological molecules with biomaterial surfaces; host response to implants; hemocompatibility; effects of degradation on implant materials; bioactive surfaces; resorbable implant materials; standardization, sterilization and regulation of implant materials; in vitro and in vivo biomaterial testing methods; and introduction to tissue engineering. Case studies and presentations of current literature focusing on novel materials and new clinical applications will also be included to identify future directions in biomaterials research.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I7700 Microfluidic Devices in Biotechnology

Fundamentals of modern microfluidic devices with applications to biomedical measurements, e.g., electrophoretic systems, flow cytometers, and immunoassays. Review of fundamental properties of microfluidic systems including the effects of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and electromagnetic phenomena on biological systems. Theory of Navier-Stokes, Nerst-Planck and convection transfer equations will be discussed. Critical overview of design, manufacture, and operation of micrometer scale systems that use photolithographic and surface treatment techniques for device development. Special projects will also be used to analyze biomedical inventions on the horizon.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I8000 Bone Physiology and Biomechanics

This course is concerned with the normal mechanical and biological functions of bone, as well as the clinical problems in metabolic bone disease and orthopaedic treatment. Specific topics will examine how bone cells produce matrix material and structure, restructure it during life to optimize bone mechanical function, and then maintain the material vs. structural properties throughout life. Bone organ, tissue and cellular-molecular level processes will be examined as integrated hierarchical systems contributing to mechanical function, presented from lectures, case studies and presentations of critical literature identifying central principles in bone biomechanics. Discussions will seek to identify fundamental questions and directions for future research.



Contact Hours

3 hr./ wk.

BME I9000 Skeletal Soft Tissue Physiology and Biomechanics

This course is concerned with the physiology and biomechanics of the skeletal soft tissues (cartilage, tendon, ligament, intervertebral disc). The course will examine how specialized connective tissue cells produce their matrices and organize them hierarchically into tissues with unique mechanical properties. How tissue and biomechanical properties of the various skeletal soft tissues are maintained in life or fail in skeletal disease will also be examined. Case studies and presentations of critical literature will be used to identify fundamental questions and directions for future research.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

BME I9300 Scientific Ethics

This ethics course will introduce integrity in scientific research. The topics include scientific misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism), authorship, writing lab notes, writing research articles, obtaining funding, developing intellectual property, job hunting, and professionalism. It will also discuss the societal impact of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and information technology.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

BME I9400 Special Topics in Machine Learning

This course provides a broad overview of machine learning and pattern recognition, with an emphasis on techniques that are commonly used in practice to make inferences from biomedical data sets. The course begins with a review of probability theory and random variables. We will then survey a variety of supervised and unsupervised architectures, beginning with linear and logistic regression and ending up at modern-day techniques such as convolutional neural networks. Throughout the course, students acquire hands-on experience with the presented concepts via application to real-world data sets from a variety of domains. The course assumes a basic knowledge of linear algebra and probability theory.




Undergraduate course in probability and statistics. Basic understanding of linear algebra.

Contact Hours


BME I9500 Entrepreneurship and Financial Economics

Technological innovation has led to the development of an extraordinary number of new and emerging growth companies. The purpose of this course is to provide a practical exposure to the methods used, for students of all backgrounds. Strengths upon leaving this course arise from the diverse student interaction and content presented by an instructor with real-world, decision-making experience in all topics covered. Creative problem solvers for economic development and recovery are in high demand, and success will require innovation, not only in new products and services, but in the development of new business models themselves. Class participation and projects using real funds are implemented.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

BME I9700 Report

In-depth analysis of a specific biomedical engineering topic by means of a written report that utilizes a number of technical sources. Topics to be chosen by the student in consultation with a supervising faculty member.



BME I9800 Project

A research project performed under the supervision of a faculty mentor. A final written report is required.



Materials Fee

3 hr./wk.

Contact Hours


BME I9900 Research for Master's Thesis




Approval of the departmental advisor.

BME J9900 Research for Doctoral Dissertation


Variable cr. (Up to 12 cr.)


Approval of the departmental Ph.D. advisor.

BME K9000 Doctoral Dissertation Supervision

1 credit repeatable up to 6 credits.




Approval of the departmental Ph.D. advisor.