SPAN - Spanish Languages and Literatures Course Descriptions

SPAN B7600 Spanish-American Theatre

Study of representative plays reflecting significant literary trends and social developments in contemporary Spanish America.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN B7700 Spanish-American Short Story

Examination of the short story emphasizing its literary, cultural, and social impact. Reading of representative works from the period of Independence through the current century.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

SPAN B7800 Seminar in Spanish-American Literature

Study of topics such as "indianista" and ''indigenista" novels, the novel of the Mexican Revolution, and literary trends reflecting popular culture.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN B9800-B9805 Special Topics in Language and Literature



Contact Hours

1-3 hr./wk.

SPAN B9900 Hispanic Literature of the United States

Focus on contemporary Cuban-American, mainland Puerto-Rican and Mexican-American literature with an emphasis on poetry and narrative. Underscores how the literary production of the minority group reflects its place in mainstream American Society.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V0100 History of the Spanish Language

Traces the development of the Spanish language from its Latin origins to the present. The course provides a survey of historical grammar with emphasis on phonology and morphology and/or the evolution of Spanish in the Americas.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V0300 Introduction to Methods of Research

Aims to develop proficiency in literary and bibliographical research through traditional and on-line methods. The course offers an overview of recent critical theories and requires library assignments applied to an individual research project.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V0600 Spanish Morphology and Syntax

An advanced review of Spanish morphology and syntax with the purpose of allowing graduate students to explore analytically the structure of the Spanish language. The course will make frequent comparisons and contrasts between the target language and English grammatical structures.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V0700 Spanish Stylistics

Analyzes the language used in literary texts through a study of representative Hispanic authors. The course will also consider how different patterns of style affect the writing and reading of a text.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V1000 Medieval Epic and Lyric Poetry

Survey of prose, poetry and theater of the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula from the earliest literary manifestations to the end of the 15th Century.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V2000 Spanish Novel of the Golden Age

Study of the representative works characterizing the various narrative traditions that developed in Spain during the 16th and 17th centuries in light of their ideological and sociocultural contexts.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V2200 Cervantes

Explores Cervantes' Don Quixote taking into account his life, ideology, as well as the philosophical, social and aesthetic contexts in which the author produced his masterpiece.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V2400 Poetry of the Golden Age

Analysis of the work of the most representative Spanish poets from the late 15th century through the 17th century taking into account the philosophical and aesthetic currents in vogue at the time.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V2500 Theatre of the Golden Age

Examination of the evolution of Spanish theater emphasizing theory of drama in the works of Lope and Calderón as well as their influence on other playwrights of the period in the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V3100 Enlightenment and Romanticism in Spain

A review of the impact of French Enlightenment and European Romanticism on Spanish thought and literature through readings of representative Spanish works from several genres.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V3900 Seminario Mario Vargas Llosa

A seminar offered through the Cátedra Mario Vargas Llosa at the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures that focuses on the work of the 2010 Nobel Prize winner and its impact on Hispanic and world literature through the analysis of selected novels, short-stories, and essays in print and other media. It is taught, generally in Spanish, by a rotating series of invited world-renowned and award-winning writers and critics. Because the instructor and topic of the course are different each year students may repeat the seminar 3 times for credit.



Contact Hours


SPAN V4200 Spanish Novel of the Nineteenth Century

Study of the development of the Spanish novel from Romanticism though Realism and Naturalism. Particular attention will be given to works of key figures of the period such as "Clarin" and Galdos.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V5200 Contemporary Spanish Drama

Review of the most influential trends of the 20th century world drama that affected the Spanish stage and its major playwrights.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V5600 Contemporary Spanish Novel

Analysis of the representation of Spanish history and culture in fiction. Issues such as identity, change and authoritarianism will be explored through the examination of major novels.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V5800 Contemporary Spanish Poetry

Analysis of recent poetic trends taking into account the influence of key voices from the "Generación del 27." Reading of representative works by major writers.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V6000 Spanish-American Colonial Literature

Study of major literary figures and issues of the period in their cultural context and in light of how contemporary issues and critical debates have affected our perception of the colonial world.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V6400 Romanticism in Spanish-American Literature

Survey of the major trends in Spanish-American literature of the 19th century with emphasis on "romanticismo," "costumbrismo," and the transition to "realismo" and "naturalismo." Readings of representative works of major writers and genres.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V6600 Spanish-American Novel I

Analysis of the Spanish American novel in the first half of the 20th century, including the "novela de la tierra," "indigenismo" and the "novela psicológica." Readings of representative works of major writers and trends.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V6800 Spanish-American Novel II

Study of the development of the Spanish-American novel beginning with the "Boom" to present-day trends. Readings of representative works of major writers.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V7000 Modernism in Spanish-American Poetry

Study of the writings of Marti, Najera, Dario and other great figures of "modernismo," and their impact on Hispanic literature in Europe and the Americas.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V7200 Contemporary Spanish-American Poetry

Examination of poetic trends through the reading of representative works of Huidobro, Guillén, Mistral, Neruda and Paz, among others.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.

SPAN V7400 Spanish-American Essay

Study of the essay as a major genre in the development of Spanish-American social thought. Readings of representative works from the period of Independence through the 20th century.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. plus conf.