LALS - Latin American and Latino Studies

LALS 1100C Puerto Rican Community: Field Research Work

Study of migration of the Puerto Rican to New York City, sociological impact, and resultant problems in education, housing, health services, family and community development. Practical experience and research through placement in agencies serving Puerto Ricans.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

LALS 1200C Vernacular Language of Puerto Rico

Provides basic knowledge of Spanish as spoken in Puerto Rico. Includes linguistic concepts needed to help students develop communicative skills in reading, writing, and speaking the vernacular language to allow research and facilitate communication with the Puerto Rican.




Fluency in conversational Spanish.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

LALS 3200F Independent Study and Research in Latin American and Latino Studies

Open to qualified graduate students in the School of Education interested in the study on special problems. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.


Variable 1-3 cr./sem.


Requires sponsorship by an appropriate faculty member and approval of the Advisory Committee.

Contact Hours

Hours to be arranged.