SOCE - Secondary Education Sociology Course Descriptions

SOCE 2100C Marriage and the Family

Marriage and the family as social institutions. Changing family forms in Western civilization. Demographic trends and family size. The modern family and its relation to the total society. Marriage and divorce. Given jointly with the Graduate Liberal Arts Program in Sociology.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

SOCE 3200F Independent Study and Research in Sociology

Open to qualified graduate students in the School of Education interested in the study of special problems. May be taken for one, two, or three credits per semester, and may be repeated for a maximum of six credits.


Variable 1-3 cr./sem.


Requires sponsorship by an appropriate faculty member and approval of the Advisory Committee.

Contact Hours

Hours to be arranged.

SOCE 5100C The Metropolitan Community

Study of the metropolitan community as a whole, central city and suburbs. Class structure of the city and its satellites.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

SOCE 5200C The People of the City of New York

The source and growth of the population, and population trends in the past and present. Composition of the population in terms of orthodox sociological variables. Marital status and family size. Immigration and outmigration. Vertical and horizontal mobility. The city as magnet and center of population. Demographic factors and future problems.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

SOCE 6400E Educational Applications of Group Dynamics

Concepts and methods of group dynamics and social group work, and their application to school situations' use of group process in meeting children's needs for activity, socialization, and emotional security; diagnostic and therapeutic implications.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.