EDCE 4000F Arts Integration: Theatre and Related Arts in the Curriculum (Grades 7-12)

This course explores theories and practices of integrating drama into the general curriculum, grades 6-12. Participants will learn how to teach content through the use of various dramatic activities, techniques and strategies including teacher-in-role, process drama and the use of still images/tableaux, music. The course will also discuss how theatre practitioners can use non-arts content as source material in their theatre curriculum while strengthening the learning in core subject areas.



Contact Hours

15 hours of fieldwork required. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4100C Teaching Arts and Crafts in Childhood Education

Art principles, practices, and materials appropriate to the teaching of arts and crafts in childhood education; integrating arts and crafts into the content areas of the elementary curriculum.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either the 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4100F Devlopng Art Curriculum in Nontraditional Settings

Developing Arts Curriculum in Nontraditional Settings.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. Fifteen hours of field work is required.

EDCE 4200C Educating Young Children with Special Needs

This course provides early childhood educators with a theoretical framework and practical applications for developing curriculum to support children with special needs.  Information, guidance and resources will be presented to assist teachers in developing and differentiating curriculum, using adaptive technology, assessing students holistically, working with their classroom/administrative team as well as with children’s home/family/community in situations where a child may require an evaluation and/or additional support services. Special attention will be paid to issues of diversity, helping teachers to frame differences in a respectful, non-biased way.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4300C Art and Expressive Activities in Early Childhood Education

Interpretation and use of creative activities for the diverse learning needs of young children as they explore and develop personal skills and interests in various art media. Required for initial certification.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4400C Arts Integration: Theatre and Related Arts in the Curriculum

This course explores how teachers can use dramatic activities and dramatic play to help P-12 students engage in the learning process and develop their cognitive and social skills. It covers theories and practices of educational drama and theatre. Candidates will explore both the curriculum (including but not limited to social studies, literacy, English as a second language, math, and science), as well as opportunities to build group dynamics and positive social skills. The relationship of classroom drama to curricular subject matter (including but not limited to Social Studies; Literacy, English Language Learners, Math/Science) will also be examined. They will build knowledge of various dramatic activities, techniques, and strategies including teacher-in-role, process or role drama, and the use of still images/tableaux. The main concepts, structures, and conventions of the field of dramatic activities and related arts will be investigated. In addition, practical work in design, implementation, and evaluation of dramatic experiences for students of different age ranges will be examined.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. 15 hours of fieldwork required.

EDCE 4500A Teaching English to Adult Speakers of Other Languages

This course focuses on the needs of educators who teach English to adult speakers of other languages. Topics to be addressed include principles of adult learning, teaching in multilingual and monolingual classroom settings, differences between English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts, and program design.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4500C Fundamentals of Teaching Technical Theatre

This class aims to develop basic understandings of resources, techniques and elements of a theatre production including: scenic work, costumes, props, lighting, sound, and stage and production management. Candidates will explore the teaching of each of these aspects of technical theatre for classes Pre K-12 with particular focus on urban schools, and will have hands-on experiences in these areas.


EDCE 4500K Inclusive Practices for the Arts

The potential of theatre arts as a powerful vehicle for positive disability representation is explored. Topics of study include: special education law, disability categories, differentiation, collaborative teaching, and classroom management. Candidates draw upon the narrative work of disabled artists to (re)conceptualize disability as natural human variation and an essential feature of diversity in a multicultural society.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4600A Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education

This course provides an introduction to the foundations of early intervention and early childhood special education, including developmental, educational, family systems, and health perspectives and theories. Specific attention is paid to the process of early intervention and early childhood special education within the least restrictive environment, as delineated in state and federal legislation. .



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 4600C Applied Theatre

This course explores how theatre can be used and applied to various areas of interest. The course will offer techniques on applying theatre to the student's particular area of interest or population (i.e., health care, childcare, prisons, museums, professional development). The main concepts, structures, and conventions of applied theatre will be investigated. Guidelines for devising and structuring applied drama/theatre programs and curricula will be explored.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 4700K Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs

Provides knowledge and skills to meet the needs of infants, toddlers, and young children who demonstrate mild to profound disabilities. Includes how to use developmentally-appropriate/culturally-responsive practices to work with health care professionals, health and safety, emergency care, management of chronic health impairments, and management of neurodevelopmental and motor disabilities.



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 4800K Managing the Environment for Young Children with Special Needs

This course explores how to manage the environment to support learning and development for young children with diverse needs. Participants will learn how to identify and support behavior challenges in a variety of early learning environments - individual, small group, and large group settings; home, center-based, and integrated classrooms.



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 4900K Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs: B-2nd grade

This course explores the role of assessment in understanding young children’s learning and development. It conceptualizes assessment as an ongoing, collaborative process of gathering and interpreting evidence about children’s behaviors and the social/physical environment to make decisions regarding services and supports for young children with disabilities or developmental delays.



Contact Hours

3 hrs./wk.; 10-15 hours of fieldwork.