EDCE 4400C Arts Integration: Theatre and Related Arts in the Curriculum

This course explores how teachers can use dramatic activities and dramatic play to help P-12 students engage in the learning process and develop their cognitive and social skills. It covers theories and practices of educational drama and theatre. Candidates will explore both the curriculum (including but not limited to social studies, literacy, English as a second language, math, and science), as well as opportunities to build group dynamics and positive social skills. The relationship of classroom drama to curricular subject matter (including but not limited to Social Studies; Literacy, English Language Learners, Math/Science) will also be examined. They will build knowledge of various dramatic activities, techniques, and strategies including teacher-in-role, process or role drama, and the use of still images/tableaux. The main concepts, structures, and conventions of the field of dramatic activities and related arts will be investigated. In addition, practical work in design, implementation, and evaluation of dramatic experiences for students of different age ranges will be examined.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. 15 hours of fieldwork required.