EDCE 2000C First and Second Language and Literacy Acquisition

This course offers an in-depth look at current research and practical applications of first and second language/dialect acquisition and literacy learning, developmental stages of both, connections between oral and print literacies, and the strengths of first language/dialect literacy. The course also explores the integration of the many languages individuals use to communicate and make meaning. The readings and discussions address strategies to assess and support first and second language and literacy development, and include effective classroom activities and resources.



Contact Hours

Includes 8 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2100C Teaching Social Studies in Childhood Education

Integrated unit planning centered on a study of the community, cultural diversity and historical sequence; focuses on inquiry learning strategies and multicultural approaches to instruction. Includes introduction to Internet resources and software for classroom instruction in geography.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork at either 1-3 or 4-6 grade levels. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2100K Development Issues in Early Childhood/Childhood Education

In-depth study of the developmental progression and the active nature of children's learning (birth through the childhood years). Major developmental and learning theories are critically examined and illuminated through candidates' experiences with children of diverse needs from varying backgrounds. Implications for program planning, classroom organization, and differentiating curriculum to meet special needs are continually drawn. Required.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2101C Social Studies in the Early Childhood Curriculum

How to develop and carry out experiences that help children inquire about the world, their history, and their backgrounds and integrate their understandings; how to utilize students' diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds and information technology as learning resources. Emphasis placed on the classroom as a democratic learning community. Required for initial certification.



Contact Hours

Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2202I Content Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education

Culminating experience of the graduate education program. Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem (including on-line sources), and design a study to carry out in the following semester. Required of all graduate students in Early Childhood Education. By permission only.




EDCE 2100K or equivalent.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2203I Content Research Seminar in Bilingual Education

A critical review of the research literature in the candidate's major field, as well as research methodology and instrumentation appropriate to the field. This first semester covers the basic concepts and procedures needed to evaluate research critically. Each student will identify a problem in his or her major area, review the literature related to that problem, and design a project to study the problem. This project will be carried out during the second semester. Matriculants only. This course is followed by EDUC 2900I. This course should be taken no later than the semester prior to the one in which the student expects to complete the requirements for the degree. Students who expect to write a thesis should take this course no later than two semesters prior to the one in which they expect to complete the requirements for their degree.




See individual programs.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2204I Content Research Seminar in Childhood Education

Culminating experience in the graduate program in childhood education. Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem, and design a study to carry out the following semester. By permission only.




Matriculation, 15 cr. and EDUC 2900F.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2205I Research Seminar in Teaching Multilingual Learners

Candidates will complete a capstone masters project guided by a research question related to their teaching practices that extends their understanding and application of content in the program. Candidates will review the literature, create a small-scale study which they will conduct, and present their findings and implications. Matriculants only.




Completion of 9 credits

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 2206I Content Research Seminar in Educational Theatre

Culminating experience in the graduate program in Educational Theatre. Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem, and design a study to carry out the following semester. By permission only.




Matriculation, 15 cr. and EDUC 2900F.

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2207I Research into Teaching: Bilingual Education

This course supports bilingual childhood education candidates in completing a culminating project that involves collecting classroom data, developing and implementing learning plans, reviewing bilingual education research, analyzing their teaching, and assessing their students’ learning. Candidates will consider the implications of their findings for their future teaching with multilingual learners.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

EDCE 2208I Research into Teaching: TESOL

This course supports TESOL candidates in completing a culminating project that involves collecting data in their classrooms, developing and implementing learning plans, reviewing TESOL research, analyzing their teaching, and assessing their students’ learning. Candidates will consider the implications of their findings for their future teaching with multilingual learners.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. This is a Pass/Fail course.

EDCE 2209I Creating an Ethnodrama I

This is the first semester of a year-long sequence (Creating an Ethnodrama I and II) designed to prepare candidates to devise an original ethnodrama. Ethnodrama I introduces students to methods of qualitative research and prepares them to conduct original arts-based research. Candidates will learn and apply interview skills to interrogate a community-based issue from multiple perspectives. The culmination of part I is a research proposal that includes an introduction and statement of the issue, research question(s), literature review, and research methodology. 



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2210I Creating an Ethnodrama II

This course follows Creating an Ethnodrama I and is part of the culminating experience in the Educational Theater Program. Candidates complete participant recruitment and participant interviews, followed by collaborative data analyses. In lieu of presenting results and conclusions in a traditional research paper, candidates learn and apply Moment Work to devise an original ethnodrama based on participant interviews. The original ethnodrama is performed in a public venue at the end of the course. 




EDCE 2209I

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2300C Social Studies Inquiry for Pre-K to 6 Teachers

Focuses on two national and state social studies learning standards: geography and the history of New York State and the United States. Students experience an inquiry approach to social studies that will increase their content knowledge and model inquiry methods. Students plan learning experiences for children. Includes an instructional technology component. Required for professional certification.




EDCE 2100C or equivalent.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2400C Development & Evaluation of Materials in Bilingual Education

Production and evaluation of bilingual instructional materials using various media. Integration of instructional materials in a bilingual curriculum.




EDCE 5300C.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2600C Linguistics for Teachers

An introduction to basic concepts in linguistics, including phonology, lexicon, and grammar; language contact, variation, and prescriptivism; linguistic experience of bilingual and second-language communities and individuals.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2700C Literacy for Struggling Readers and Writers

Candidates will examine the multiple dimensions that contribute to students' literacy struggles. They will explore and critique theories and research regarding literacy practices and identify practical applications based on these insights. A significant aspect of this work will involve practice with methods to assess and support readers' and writers' competencies with cuing systems and engagement with texts. Candidates will explore how multimodal literacies can be used as a source of strength, confidence, and growth with print literacy. Throughout the course, candidates reflect on how they can support all students' literacy growth through effective lesson design as well as advocacy for curricular and structural change.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2900F Inclusive Practices for the General Education Classroom (Grades 1-6)

This course prepares candidates to teach in inclusive classroom settings grades 1-6. Topics of study include: special education law, disability categories, differentiation, strategies for instruction and assessment (curriculum design), co-teaching models, and classroom management. Drawing upon an understanding of disability as natural human variation, candidates develop a case study of a struggling learner in the classroom context.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDCE 2900I Seminar in Educational Research II

Second semester of the research sequence. Students carry out their study designed in the Content Research Seminar and learn how to analyze, write about, and present the data collected. By permission only.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

EDCE 2905I Research Seminar II in Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students

Second semester of the research sequence. Students carry out their designed in the previous semester and learn how to analyze, write about, and present the data collected.
