EDCE 1301E Negotiating Curriculum Standards, Children's Inquiries, and Appropriate Multicultural Materials for 5th to 12th Grade

This course provides foundations for understanding the complexities of teachers' relationships with curriculum for 5th to 12th Grade. Candidates will expand their knowledge of the multiple dimensions of curriculum including assessment, literacy content, educational structures, notions of the hidden curriculum and children's perspectives. Candidates will examine the New York State English Language Arts and Content Area Standards to inform their understandings of what is possible and necessary in developing literacy curriculum and activities. Candidates will investigate multiple resources to enrich their curricula revisions, address these dimensions, and incorporate into their teaching the diversity of their class and the world. Candidates will explore aspects of social justice, critical literacies, and multiculturalism while producing standard-driven activities. Candidates will increase their knowledge of multicultural literature, technology, music, websites, and museums. This class includes 20 hours of fieldwork required to implement curriculum planning and activities.



Contact Hours

Includes 20 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.