EDCE 7510C Literacy Strategies: From Birth to 6th grade

This course will address children's literature, resources, content area literacies, texts, instructional texts, instructional strategies, differentiated instruction, and activities. We will also cover multiple literacies, multiple sign systems, and multimodal responses. Thus, this class will also consider literacies beyond school literacies and modalities beyond print modalities, and will expose people to a broad range of media technology that complement the developmental spectrum. Readings in this course will inform about literacy development for learners of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds as well as the students with special needs. Strategies for helping and assessing learners informally and formally with reading, listening, viewing, writing, and speaking will be discussed and developed. Practical applications of theoretical underpinnings of literacy development will be contextualized through organizing reading assignments, hands-on class activities, written assignments, and projects. The texts and discussions will explore the current philosophies of literacy instruction.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.