SPED 3901K Instructional Methods for Students with Disabilities in Adolescent Education II

This course is the second part of a two-part sequence that extends the content addressed in Part I, linking multiple forms of assessment with instructional practices. Participants will develop the knowledge and skills needed to plan and implement universal, differentiated, and individualized lessons. Participants will also focus on developing pedagogical flexibility within three broad, interconnected strands: The information to be taught (content specific to: language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, technology), how students engage with that information (process), and the ways in which students demonstrate their knowledge and skills as a result of interacting with information (product). In this course, participants will learn how to design individualized multi-option assignments within varied classroom arrangements and to guide students in making appropriate interest-based choices, using students’ readiness, interests, and individual learning profiles. Content areas are used to engage participants as per the Part 100 Regulation of the Commissioner of Education and the New York State Standards. Extending Part I of the course, participants will elaborate on content-based modules and apply their acquired knowledge of assessment and universal, differentiated, and individualized instructional designs to the content areas studied. In addition, regulatory requirements (Part 100 and Part 200 Rules and Regulations of the NYS Commissioner of Education) that focus on curriculum content, due process, assessment, programs and services are correlated to the topics covered during this course. Prereq: SPED 3801K (except for those in the Advanced Certificate Program, Students with Disabilities, Grades 7-12).




EDUC 3801K(except for those in the Advanced Certificate Program Students with Disabilities 7-12). Matriculation in students with disabilities program required.

Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.