SPED 3700K Reading and Writing Instruction for Students with Disabilities in Childhood Education II

This course (part II) is designed to extend the literacy components introduced in part I. Extended experiences will focus on maintaining a classroom structure that supports a reading-rich context in conjunction with writing-worthy opportunities for use in a variety of educational contexts. The course will feature strategies to teach habits of good readers, such as: activating schema, visualizing, questioning, determining importance, making inferences, monitoring for meaning, and synthesizing. In conjunction with explicit reading skills (part I), methodologies of writing will also be taught, focusing on the process of writing through: pre-writing, organization, writing a primary draft, multiple revisions, and final editing. The art of individual conferencing with students will be featured at length.




EDUC 3600K (except for those in the Advanced Certificate Program Students with Disabilities 7-12).

Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.