SPED 2207I Research into Teaching: Bilingual Education

This course supports bilingual childhood education candidates in completing a culminating project that involves collecting classroom data, developing and implementing learning plans, reviewing bilingual education research, analyzing their teaching, and assessing their students’ learning. Candidates will consider the implications of their findings for their future teaching with multilingual learners. This is a Pass/Fail course.




EDCE 7501G / EDCE 7502G and EDUC 1900G

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.

SPED 2208I Research into Teaching: TESOL

This course supports TESOL candidates in completing a culminating project that involves collecting data in their classrooms, developing and implementing learning plans, reviewing TESOL research, analyzing their teaching, and assessing their students’ learning. Candidates will consider the implications of their findings for their future teaching with multilingual learners. Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. This is a Pass/Fail course.




EDCE 7503G/EDCE 7504G and EDUC 1900G

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

SPED 2600I Content Research Seminar in Special Education

A critical review of the research literature in the candidate's major interest, as well as appropriate research methodology and instrumentation. The first semester covers the basic concepts needed to evaluate research critically. Each student will identify a research problem, review literature related to that problem, and design a project to study it. The study will be carried out during the second semester. This course should be taken no later than the semester prior to the one in which the student expects to complete the requirements for the degree.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

SPED 2900I Seminar in Educational Research

Second semester of the research sequence. Students carry out their study designed in the Content Research Seminar and learn how to analyze, write about, and present the data collected. By permission only.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.