SPED 3800K Assessment for Students with Disabilities in Childhood Education I

This course is the first in a two-part sequence designed to foster creative approaches to assessing all children in a variety of educational settings, including students with disabilities. Participants will focus on understanding differences as a basis for planning; utilizing multiple forms of intelligence; and using a variety of assessments in an ongoing manner to design lesson plans that are more likely to address a learner’s specific needs. Content specialists will inform the course activities in the areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and technology (teaching modules) as per the Part 100 Regulation of the Commissioner of Education and the New York State Standards. Participants will utilize content modules and apply their acquired knowledge of assessment to the content areas studied. Regulatory requirements (Part 100 and Part 200 Rules and Regulations of the NYS Commissioner of Education) that focus on curriculum content, due process, assessment, programs and services are correlated to each of the topics covered during this course.



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.