SPED 5300K Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviors

This course is designed to assist participants to make informed choices about how to analyze a "behavior issue" in the classroom and school context. Participants will learn how to develop multiple positive approaches for extinguishing difficult behaviors. Traditional as well as alternative behavioral interventions will be considered including an overview of the traditional (i.e., controlling) behavioral approaches and practices typically used with students with intellectual or emotional disabilities. Readings and activities will encourage examination of the conceptual foundations and underlying principles of such approaches for use in an inclusive society. The central feature of this course, however, will be on interactive intervention alternatives that alleviate frustrations for students with disabilities, focus on their needs and wishes, and support them in taking control of their lives. The final project will require participants to apply an approach to the management of difficult behaviors they find most suitable in their classrooms.



Contact Hours

Includes 15-20 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.