PSY V6600 Practicum in CASAC Counseling

This practicum consists of a semester of supervised counseling experience in which students serve as CASAC counselors-in-training at approved practicum sites. Students perform 300 clock hours, including at least 120 direct service hours. Students will receive one hour weekly of face-to-face supervision with a qualified site supervisor, plus in-class supervision with the course instructor.


PSY 10200 and PSY 21500 and PSY 32100 and PSY 35000 and PSY 36000 and PSY 36300 and PSY 36700 and PSY 37000 and PSY 38000 and PSY V5700 and PSY V6593 and PSY V7000 and PSY V7100 and PSY V0500 and permission of Department.


PSY V0100



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.