PSY 38000 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology

The aim of this course is to introduce basic concepts relevant to the application of clinical and counseling psychology, including pertinent ethical codes and considerations, provision of culturally competent interventions, and the centrality of the counselor and client relationship. Students will learn basic counseling and communication skills through lectures, small group discussions, and role-plays. Issues of multiculturalism and diversity will be presented and developed throughout the course via readings, discussions and student writing assignments. The course will familiarize students with theoretical and practical tenets of counselor and client interactions, ethical responsibilities, interpersonal dynamics and dilemmas, and clinical supervision. Required for CASAC Program.




PSY 10101, 10200, or 10299, and PSY 22600 or 24600 or 24700 or PSY 24900. Prereq or Coreq: PSY 32100

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.