SCIE 4101E Life Science for Middle School Teachers I

This course will cover general and specific aspects of cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics. It will also cover the approaches for studying cells and genes and how genetic and cellular processes relate to physiological processes in organisms. Students will study the chemical components of the cell, such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. The course will facilitate life science teachers' understanding of the principles and techniques of both biochemistry and genetics.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

SCIE 4102E Life Science for Middle School Teachers II

The purpose of this course is to provide graduate students (who have had little undergraduate preparation in biology) with a solid conceptual grounding in ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB) in one semester. The content coverage of the course provides both empirical study and theoretical exploration of topics that are considered central to the life sciences (according to the National Science Education Standards). These topics include organismal biology, ecology, and evolution.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

SCIE 4103E Science Across Contexts

This course explores the nature of science in the context of varied scientific disciplines. It begins with an overview of the philosophy of science and then uses case studies from the different domains of science to investigate the role of context and perspective in science. Each class will include a component bringing the nature of science and scientific thinking to the learning of science.



Contact Hours

45 hr./wk.

SCIE 4104E Science in the Urban Environment

This course focuses on Earth as a system and explores the interdependent relationships among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere within the urban environment. Through inquiry-based laboratories and field investigations students learn to take scientifically valid measurements in the fields of atmosphere, hydrology, soil and land cover/phenology. Students will gain experience in the analysis of scientific data, will design and investigate their own science inquiry, and present oral and written reports to their peers.



Contact Hours

45 hr./wk.

SCIE 4105E Principles of Atomic Theory

This science course aims to increase teachers' content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and understanding of science education research, all integrated in the context of the nature of the atom. Content includes analysis of observations and experiments that give rise to the atomic model and atomic interactions. Related perspectives include epistemological approaches, theories of learning, and development of conceptual ideas.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.