MATHE 6000C High School Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective

In this course, students will examine the topics in the high school curriculum through the lens of advanced college level mathematics courses (including Calculus, linear algebra, modern geometry, real analysis, abstract algebra and number theory). Connections between the mathematics taught in high school and college will be stressed, and students will also develop increased understanding of the connections between algebraic, geometric, and logical thinking. Students will be asked to interpret mathematical ideas in contexts and will be expected to communicate effectively about connections they see, representations they create and generalizations they make.




One proof intensive course and Calculus II, Linear Algebra.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

6200C MATHE 6200C

The course is designed for teachers to explore a wide range of problems in various areas of mathematics, including but not limited to the different aspects of the secondary curriculum: number theory, set theory, functions, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. By engaging with problem solving in various mathematical topics, teachers will understand the process of mathematical reasoning and will be able to transfer this knowledge to their own practice within secondary schools. 



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

MATHE 6300C Enriching Problem-solving in Secondary School Mathematics

The course is designed for teachers to explore a wide range of problems in non-traditional topics of mathematics.  Teachers will engage in solving these problems and subsequently will discuss issues of implementation in secondary classrooms



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

MATHE 6500C Mathematical Applications in Science and Industry

Mathematics in contemporary science and industry, as illustrated in representative examples ranging through the mathematical subjects taught in secondary schools, but including other mathematics as well. Introduction to mathematics underlying instrumentation in science and technology.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.