EDSE 1202E Teaching Reading in the Secondary School English Classroom

This course is designed to prepare graduate secondary English Language Arts candidates with theoretical and practical guidance for teaching reading and literature. There will be an overview of reading processes (including those of English language learners), the fundamentals of reading instruction, factors that influence the ability to read text effectively, strategies and materials for identifying and reducing reading problems, school resources, and different programs for proficient and struggling readers, including Ramp Up and SSR. During the semester ELA candidates will describe, compare, and contrast theories, models, approaches, and methods of teaching reading. The emphasis of our inquiry will be on the teaching of critical reading skills in various genres of literature, including contemporary adolescent literature. Candidates will discuss and investigate the different types of readings, assessments, reading skills, reading instruction, learning strategies, and possible motivations for reading. Throughout the course candidates will read, share, discuss, adopt multiple perspectives, and critique a wide range of literature taught in the secondary English classroom, as well as investigate the needs of diverse student populations, including ELLs and students with special needs.



Contact Hours

Includes 10 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.


Spring only