EDLS 8000G Survey of Problems in Educational Administration and Supervision

A foundations course designed to set forth systematically the problems of educational administration and supervision. May be credited toward a master's degree only with permission of student's major field advisor. Open to non-degree students.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8101G School Finances and the Economics of Public Education

An overview of school finance and educational economics. Topics include: property taxation, assessed valuation, school finance court decisions, federal aid to education, and school finance alternatives. Although New York State aid formulas are emphasized, data from California, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C. are also utilized.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8102G School Business Management and Budgeting

Budgetary processes and tools, critique of PPBS zero-based budgeting, and other control techniques. Use of cost-effectiveness measures. Federal, state, and local support patterns. Categorical aid, special funding, and their budgetary implications. Open to non-degree students, with permission.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8103G Management and Organizational Leadership at the District Level

This course provides models, strategies, and applications in use of information sources, data collection and analysis in designing and executing strategic plans for district-wide systems. Management and operational functions of a school district leader including human resources administration, budgeting, and financial operations at the school and district levels, obtaining and using resources comprehensively from a variety of public and private sources, training schools in prioritizing the use of resources, and planning for and utilizing school plants and facilities to support the instructional program. Exploration of safety and security issues and concerns; model plans are developed. Operational plans to implement the district's mission and vision and maximize student achievement.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8200G Education Planning and Systems Problem-Solving

The role of educational administrators and supervisors in short and long-range program planning, resource allocation, and physical planning. The relationship between educational planning and human resources, utilizing organizational development strategies, application of general systems theory, systems analysis, and the techniques of PERT, MBO, PPBS and CPM, etc. to educational and human service institutions. Open to non-matriculants.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8301G School Personnel I

Personnel administration and staff development. Practices and processes in educational leadership. Developing programs; organizing staff and facilities; defining roles of professional and non-professional personnel; personnel administration and guidance; application of techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of the organization. Open to non-degree students.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8302G School Personnel II

Collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance arbitration. The meaning and impact of collective negotiations on public education. Topics include: the background of collective bargaining in public education; the legal and political framework; organizational approaches to, and organizational issues in negotiations; administering the agreement; and grievance machinery. Strategy, tactics, and special issues in relation to educational administration will be studied. Open to non-degree students.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8501I Field Problem Seminar in Educational Leadership

Candidates carry out the school-based research projects designed in EDUC 25001 and participate in seminars to review, critique, and apply current research in Educational Leadership. Critical examinations are conducted of the candidates' school-based research projects.



Contact Hours

2 hr./ wk.

EDLS 8600G School Law and the Administrator

Legal responsibilities of administrators. Requirements of local Boards, including contracts, state and federal laws affecting local operation of schools. May be credited toward a master's degree only with permission of the student's major field advisor. Open to non-degree students, with permission.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8601G School Law

Candidates will examine the constitutional and statutory provisions and principles of representative governance that are the foundations of the American public school system. A comprehensive overview of the origin and legal status of the local school unit, legal responsibilities of administrators, requirements of school boards, rights of students and teachers, evolution of legal provisions for school support; and the importance of diversity and equity in a democratic political system provides the basis for candidate discussion, analysis and application. Contemporary legal and ethical issues confronting education leaders and policymakers in a liberal-democratic society are critically examined, as are the dynamics of policy development and advocacy under our democratic political system. Issues are examined for common legal pitfalls affecting all school personnel contracts and labor relations.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8604I Social Responsibility, Politics, and Education

Rooted in educational foundations, educational philosophy, and current social and economic dynamics, this course provides an in-depth analysis of issues of special significance for urban central office educational leaders impacting the quality, equity, and excellence of education for all students and includes best practices for communicating, understanding, valuing, and working effectively with district leaders, state leaders, community leaders, and other community members from diverse backgrounds. Candidates develop an understanding of the implications of political strategies and involvement in education.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8800G School-Public Relations

A study of concepts, organizational and administrative processes. Functions of school personnel, media designed to promote school-community understanding and cooperation. May be credited toward master's degree only with permission of student's major field advisor.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 8801G School-Community Building

Utilizing the values, emerging issues and trends, conditions, and dynamics impacting the school community and educational programs. This course provides best practices in communication, marketing strategies, media use, and partnerships with higher education, social agencies, businesses, and other stakeholders to build support and garner community resources for improving student achievement.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.