EDLS 7000G Educational Policy and School Administration

Policy formulations and basic issues examined with a view to identifying underlying assumptions. Attempts to analyze and assess consequences of alternative courses of action, including consequences in terms of major issues, with emphasis on the controversies of our time.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7001G Foundations of Educational Policy-Making

Introduction to the process by which policy is formulated, analyzed, implemented, and evaluated. The roles of the educational leader, educational interest groups, school boards, professional educators, parents and other citizens in the formulation and execution of educational policy are explored. Contemporary policy issues are examined and critiqued. Critical examination of ethical issues confronting education leaders and policymakers in a liberal-democratic society.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7100G Leadership in Education I

Introduction to organizational development. Tested concepts and theoretical formulations concerning organizational behavior, participative management, and systematic school improvement. Application of organizational development concepts to leadership behavior, with particular focus on group dynamics and human relations.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7101G Dynamics of Educational Organizations

Candidates explore the foundations and philosophies of education, systems theory, the principles of organizational development, and the change process for systems, organizations, schools, and individuals. Candidates learn to develop and sustain an educational vision for all students informed by multiple data sources, to lead comprehensive long-range strategic planning projects and to utilize effective communication, consensus-building, and negotiation skills.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7200G Leadership in Education II

Organizational behavior. Situational analysis of administrative problems through the application of behavioral science theories in role communication, decision-making, leadership, and organizational change, using a series of elementary, secondary, and central office case studies.




SPED 7100G.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7201G Moral Dimensions of Leadership

Candidates explore leadership theories, develop a leadership philosophy, a professional code of ethics, and a personal growth plan. An examination of issues related to personal and professional accountability is conducted. Preparation is provided in the leadership skills (i.e., motivation, conflict management, decision-making, etc.) needed to influence individual and group behavior and to shape school culture and values in the context of highly diverse schools and student and staff needs.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7300G Curriculum Development and Supervision I

Current and developing curriculum patterns, technological innovations, and strategies for effecting curriculum change. Role of the principal supervisor considered within the context of formulations for innovations in organization.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7301G Curriculum Development

The principles of curriculum development, implementation, evaluation, and instructional programming are examined. Emphasis is placed on understanding learners, the learning environment and developing instructional support services for diverse and special school populations. Best practices in curriculum and instruction and standards based teaching and learning are addressed. Strategies for developing and implementing curriculum improvement plans for improved student achievement are stressed. Candidates are expected to develop an eclectic approach to the curriculum improvement process.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7400G Curriculum Development and Supervision II

Theory of supervisory functions. Wide range of techniques that provide for in-service education and staff development, emphasizing clinical supervision and interactional analyses. Guidelines and procedures for the effective evaluation of both learning and teaching.




SPED 7300G.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7401G Instructional Leadership

Purpose, theory, and nature of instructional leadership are examined. This course focuses on the supervisor's human relations skills as a group leader, classroom visitations and conferences, supervisory techniques, teacher assessment, student learning and development, and curriculum review. Candidates explore the role of entry level leaders in the improvement and evolvement of teaching and learning, assessing supervision and teaching, and exploring strategies that promote the transformation of districts and schools into effective learning communities.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7800G Advanced Seminar in Educational Organizational Development

In-depth analysis of O.D. models and processes for improving schools, ranging from individual to system-wide interventions. Providing and refining organizational development skills for those seeking organizational leadership roles within schools, human service, and other related institutions.




SPED 7100G, SPED 7100G.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7903G District Leader Internship & Seminar

The internship is a supervised learning experience in a district setting that provides an opportunity to apply the theories and concepts learned and skills acquired during the candidates' graduate program. Candidates for the internship identify areas they need to strengthen and develop a plan to enhance their skills in the identified areas. During the internship, candidates work under the guidelines of a college facilitator and the supervision of a district administrator. Problem-solving seminars that focus on internship activities are conducted on a regular basis.



Contact Hours

3 hr./ wk.

EDLS 7904G Internship and Seminar

The internship is a supervised learning experience in a school setting that provides an opportunity to apply the theories and concepts learned and skills acquired during the candidates' graduate program. EDLS 7905G is required if the 450-hour internship and six NYS leadership standards are not completed in EDLS 7904G.




Completion of at least 15 credits in the school building leader program.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

EDLS 7905G Internship and Seminar II

This course is designed for students who have not completed the required internship hours for certification as a school building leader. During the internship, candidates work under the guidelines of a college facilitator and the supervision of a school-site administrator. This course may be repeated once.




EDLS 7904G

Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.