
ART B0051 Graduate Critique Studio I

This is an interdisciplinary/non-discipline-specific studio course for M.F.A. students. First-year students take ART B0051 and ART B0052 to develop first-year projects under the direction of a faculty member.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B0052 Graduate Critique Studio II

This is an interdisciplinary/non-discipline-specific studio course for M.F.A. students. First-year students take ART B0051 and ART B0052 to develop first-year projects under the direction of a faculty member.




ART B0051.

Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B0053 Graduate Critique Studio III

This is an interdisciplinary/non-discipline-specific studio course for M.F.A. students. Second-year students take ART B0053 and ART B0054 to develop thesis work under the direction of a faculty member.




ART B0052.

Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B0054 Graduate Critique Studio IV

This is an interdisciplinary/non-discipline-specific studio course for M.F.A. students. Second-year students take ART B0053 and ART B0054 to develop thesis work under the direction of a faculty member.




ART B0053.

Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B0100 Projects in Drawing

Investigation of various drawing media and techniques for the purpose of enlarging the student's conceptual scope and professional skills. This course may be taken four times for credit.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B0200 Projects in Drawing II

Investigation of various drawing media and techniques for the purpose of enlarging the student's conceptual scope and professional skills. This course may be taken four times for credit.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B0300 Studio Art MFA Seminar I

Analysis of the components of traditional styles and movements. Student reports, papers, and discussion. Open to M.A. candidates by permission of the graduate advisor.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B0400 Studio Art MFA Seminar II

Investigation of the conceptual implications of contemporary movements in the visual arts. Student reports, papers, and discussion. Open to M.A. candidates by permission of the graduate advisor.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B0500 Professional Development

This course is designed to introduce the student to the practices in studio art.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B0600 M.F.A. Thesis Preparation

This course guides students in their preparation of both written theses and thesis exhibitions. Readings and analysis of writings about art by artists and others. Writing about artwork and documentation of the experience of making the work. This class must be taken during the last two semesters of the student's residence in the M.F.A. program.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B0800 Teaching Practicum

Theory and practice in college-level teaching of studio art, including course design, learning objectives, and pedagogical approaches to teaching fine art. Students have the opportunity to plan lessons, lead demonstrations, and develop syllabi. During this semester, students are assigned to a full-time faculty member in the Art Department for supervised practice teaching.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B1100 Individual Projects in Painting

Intensive work under faculty supervision. Individual and group critiques. This course may be taken five times for credit.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B1200 Individual Projects in Sculpture

Intensive work under faculty supervision. This course may be taken five times for credit. Materials Fee: $25.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B1300 Individual Projects in Printmaking

Intensive work under faculty supervision. This course may be taken five times for credit.



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B1400 Individual Projects in Electronic Design and Multimedia

Intensive work under faculty supervision, a part of which will be scheduled class hours. This course may be taken five times for credit. 



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B1500 Individual Projects in Photography

Intensive work under faculty supervision. This course may be taken five times for credit.



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B1600 Individual Projects in Ceramic Design

Intensive work under faculty supervision. This course may be taken five times for credit.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B2010-2040 Workshop: Theme

A subject-focused course that consists of research, discussions, independent (or collaborative) project development and technical workshops. Themed workshops have a specific semester that is subject-based, and will include practice-based assignments in students' area of study. (This course can be taken up to four times.) 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B2050-2080 Workshop: Medium

A medium-focused course that consists of technical workshops, medium-related exercises, research, discussions, and independent and/or collaborative project development. Medium workshops would have a specific semester long medium-based topic, and will include practice-based assignments in students' area of study. Medium-based topics will be designed to allow "cross-pollination" and experimental multi-media approaches. (This course can be taken up to four times.) 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B2210 Working Critique I

This digital and interdisciplinary studio course focuses on weekly individual and group critiques of student work. In addition to research, discussion, and art practice in digital and new media, students will propose and develop a thesis project under the advisement of a faculty member.
This course can be taken up to three times for a total of 9 credits.



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B2220 Working Critique II

This digital and interdisciplinary studio course for MFA students focuses on weekly individual and group critiques. In addition to research, discussion and art practice, first year students will continue the development of a thesis project under the advisement of a faculty member. Student thesis proposals and progress will be reviewed by MFA faculty members at the end of the first year for entrance into the second year. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B2410 Project Research Seminar

A seminar to introduce students to a research-focused approach to practice in digital, lens-based, and experimental media art and design. Research techniques are introduced as part of a working method and practice and applied towards first year projects and thesis project proposals. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B2420 Research-based Art Practice

Engages works of art, architecture, design, film, writing, digital media, and contemporary critical theory. Includes internet culture, economies of artistic practice, aesthetics, cybernetics, and how these cultural phenomena have shaped conceptions of culture and identity. Readings and discussions center on cultural producers who are researchers or use a research-based approach in their practice. Provides the historical backdrop for contextualizing important contemporary issues and their multiple trajectories.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B2600 First-Year Project

Under the guidance of a full-time faculty member, an independent or collaborative project that is intended as the practice based outcome of the first year experience. While a thesis project may grow out of the experience of developing this project, they are intended to be distinct projects. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

6 hr./wk.

ART B3210 Working Critique III

This digital and interdisciplinary studio course for MFA students focuses on weekly individual and group critiques. In addition to research, discussion and art practice, second year students will continue the development of a thesis project under the advisement of a faculty member. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B3220 Critique Conferences

This digital and interdisciplinary studio course for MFA students focuses on weekly individual conferences with a faculty member and thesis committee members. In addition to research, discussion and art practice in digital and new media, second year students will finalize a thesis project, an exhibition and a written thesis. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B3410 Theory in Practice

Continuation of Research-based Art History seminar. It explores in depth specific examples in art, architecture, design, digital media, film and writing that use theory as a critical foundation for artistic output. Readings and discussions will be centered around specific historical and contemporary examples of artists using theory in practice and the set of contexts, methods, and critical issues surrounding these examples. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B3610 Thesis Project Development: Research

This course, to be taken in the fall semester of the second year, serves as the focused research and written work on thesis projects. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B3620 Thesis Project Development: Exhibition

This course, to be taken in the spring semester of the second year, serves as the focused work on thesis projects and exhibition. 



Materials Fee


Contact Hours

6 hr./wk.

ART B7000 Museology

Introduction to history of museums and current issues. Four sessions taught by museum professionals in local institutions.




ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B7100 Museum Apprenticeship I

Supervised internships at local museums, galleries or other art institutions.



Contact Hours

Two days work per week each course.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B7200 Museum Apprenticeship II

Supervised internships at local museums, galleries or other art institutions.



Contact Hours

Two days work per week each course


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B7400 Museum Exhibition Analysis Seminar

Discussion of approximately six current museum exhibitions, chosen to provide a unifying theme, such as reevaluating the retrospective. Each student will present a class lecture and museum tour evaluating the content and installation of a major exhibition.




Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B7500 Museum Education I

Techniques and methods of museum education. Regular meeting in museums with working professionals.




Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B7505 Museum Education II

Techniques and methods of museum education. Regular meeting in museums with working professionals.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ART B7502 Art Museum Education II

A seminar focused on effective teaching strategies for art museum settings. This course will prepare students to teach from objects, critically analyze research in museum education, and create developmentally appropriate programs for multiple audiences.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B8000 Art Museum Studies Colloquium

This course serves as the capstone course for the Art Museum Studies concentration, providing a forum for students to discuss recent trends in art museum studies and complete their final art museum studies qualifying paper. The format for the course will be that of a seminar.




ART A1000 and ART B7000.


ART B7100, ART B7200,and ART B7400.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B8000-B8050 Selected Topics in Art History

Advanced study in selected subjects outside of the regular curriculum. Course announcements to be made in the preceding semester.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B8051-B8099 Selected Topics in Studio Art

Advanced study in selected subjects outside of the regular curriculum. Course announcements will be made in the preceding semester.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

ART B8400-B8700 Independent Study in Studio Art

Enrollment with permission of the graduate advisor.



Contact Hours

Hrs. to be arranged

ART B9000 Master's Thesis Research

Enrollment by permission of the graduate advisor.



Contact Hours

Hrs. to be arranged


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B9800 Independent Study in Art History

Enrollment by permission of the graduate advisor.



Contact Hours

Hrs. to be arranged


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.

ART B9900 Independent Study in Art History

Enrollment by permission of the graduate advisor.



Contact Hours

Hrs. to be arranged


ART B7000, ART B7100, ART B7200, and ART B7400 are required of all Museum Studies students. They may be taken by M.F.A. and other M.A. candidates, with permission of the Graduate Advisor and Director of Museum Studies.