
ART A1000 Research Methods of Art History

Working methods of the art historian. Techniques for obtaining primary and secondary source material, including use of traditional archival and bibliographical materials, electronic information systems, interviewing techniques, and photographic documentation. Introduction to different approaches to objects and their contexts. Development of a variety of writing modes. Field trips; class reports.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6000 Egyptian Art and Architecture

Painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts of Egypt from pre-dynastic times through the Ptolemaic period.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6020 Greek and Roman Art

Art of the Classical civilizations: Greece from the Geometric period through the Hellenistic era; the Etruscan contribution; Rome from the Republican period through late Imperial times.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6100 Romanesque and Gothic Art of Medieval Europe

Art of the later Middle Ages: architecture, sculpture, manuscripts, stained glass, emphasis on French cathedrals, regional schools in emerging national states, and Byzantine influence on the West.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6200 Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture

An overview of the painting, sculpture, and architecture created in Italy during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries. Discussion will focus on the needs and ambitions of private, civic, and ecclesiastical patrons, as well as the creative responses of individual artists from Giotto to Michelangelo.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6220 Northern Renaissance Art

An overview of painting, sculpture, and printmaking created in Northern Europe during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries. Trace the development of naturalism and humanism in France, Germany, and the Netherlands, as well as the dialogue between Northern Europe and Italy during the Renaissance. Discussion will explore the needs and ambitions of private, civic, and ecclesiastical patrons, as well as the creative responses of individual artists from Van Eyck to Bruegel.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6300 Baroque and Rococo Art in Europe

Seventeenth and eighteenth century art in Italy, France, Spain, and Holland. Artists include Bernini, Poussin, Caravaggio, Gentileschi, Velazquez, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Vermeer.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6400 Nineteenth Century Art in Europe

The art of western Europe, primarily France, including Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6410 American Art: 1776-1900

Art of the United States from colonial times to the late nineteenth century; consideration of European influences and regional contributions in the development of American architecture, sculpture, and painting.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6420 History of Photography

The aesthetic, historical, and technical development of still photography viewed as a major medium of artistic expression in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6430 Early 20th-Century Art in Europe and the U.S

The development of early modern art styles in France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and the U.S. including Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, Expressionism, Dada, and Surrealism.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6440 Postwar Art in the U.S. and Europe

Art from 1945 through 1980 in the U.S. and Europe, including Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art, the development of earthworks and public art, and feminist and other issue-based art.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6450 Modern Art in Latin America

An overview of the various currents of modernism that developed in Latin America from 1900 to 1945. Emphasis will be placed on the artistic production of certain countries, such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, and Uruguay.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6452 Modern Mexican Art

This graduate course is an in-depth look at the period known as the "Mexican Renaissance" when numerous artists, intellectuals, and government institutions responded to the goals, proposals, and failures of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), the first social uprising of the twentieth century. Structured as the combination of a lecture and seminar course, students will investigate issues such as cultural nationalism, gender, class, and race as they pertain to Mexican muralism and diverse media. Lectures will be complemented by focused discussions and presentations on numerous weekly readings. Selected from the advanced literature of the field, readings will offer students a variety of perspectives and methodologies utilized in the discipline. Students will engage in primary and secondary research for their final research paper. A field trip to the Orozco mural at the New School University and/or a local museum and/or gallery will provide students with first-hand knowledge of the art under discussion.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6500 Art since 1980

Art since 1980 taught from a global perspective. Includes visits to galleries and conversations with artists.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6510 Contemporary Art in Latin America

Artistic manifestations in post-World War II Latin America, including the work of diaspora artists and Latino/a artists in the United States.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6600 Ancient Art of Meso-America, the Andes, and the Caribbean

A survey of sculpture, architecture, the town plan, and crafts in select pre-European cultures of the Caribbean Basin, the Andes, and Meso-America including the Taino, the Inca, and the Aztecs.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6700 Art of West Africa: From the Bissagos to the Cameroon Grasslands

A survey of traditions that generate the interface of visual and performance arts, place and architecture among the Akan, Bamana, Bamilike, Baule, Dan, Dogon, Edo, Fon, Moshi, Senufo, Yoruba, and their neighbors. The archeology of the "Valleys of the Niger" is included.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6710 Art of Central Africa: Central, East, and Southern Africa from Gabon to Mozambique

Arts of chiefdoms and kingdoms of the equatorial forests and savannas from Equatorial Guinea to Mozambique. An interdisciplinary survey of traditions that generate the interface of visual and performance arts, place and architecture. Arts of the Chokwe, Fan, Konde, Kongo, Kuba, Kwele, Luba/Hemba, Nyamwezi, Mangbetu, Ndebele, Pende, Saremo, Songye, Tabwa, Zula, and their neighbors. The archeology of Zimbabwe and the East African coast.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6800 Islamic Art

Architecture and decorative arts of the Islamic world including Syria, Egypt, Persia, Turkey, Spain, and northern India.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6810 Art of India, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia

Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu art in India; Buddhist and Hindu art in Southeast Asia and Indonesia.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6820 Art of China, Japan, and Korea

The art and architecture of China, Japan, and Korea from prehistoric times to the nineteenth century.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6830 The Artist in Society: South Asian Perspectives

This course challenges students to think about how concepts of the artist develop in historically and culturally specific ways, and to consider how such concepts influence visual traditions. It focuses on the painters, sculptors, architects and craftspeople of South Asia. Major themes include concepts of art, artist/patron relationships, workshop practices, techniques and materials, tradition and innovation, and differing historical and cultural perceptions of artists. All periods of South Asian art history are covered, but the emphasis is on the 16th to 19th centuries.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6840 Asian Art Since 1850: Tradition and Nation

This course looks at ideas of tradition and nation in modern and contemporary Asian arts, at rejections of these ideas and at the struggle of individuals to escape the confines of nationalist thinking and East/West dichotomies. The course will focus primarily on India and Japan, respectively colonized and colonizing nations, but Pakistan, Korea and China are also discussed.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.

ART A6900 Art Criticism

Problems of description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of the art object as an aesthetic and cultural phenomenon in the context of historical approaches and styles; various systems and premises of critical analysis that have emerged from ancient to contemporary times.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.


These courses may be taken by M.F.A. and Graduate Art Education students.