SUS 7300B Climate and Climate Change

We are in an era of rapid global warming and climate change. There is a large body of evidence that this is due to humankind's excessive use of energy, mainly derived from fossil fuels. So much misinformation has been disseminated that it is not clear to most what should be done. The purpose of this course is to separate the wheat of truth from this chaff of misinformation and to provide our students with a thorough understanding of the scientific basis for global warming and an appreciation of the potential outcomes of pursuing various scenarios for adaption and mitigation. That we have an informed citizenry is extremely important because the time left for effective action may be much shorter than we have been led to believe and the consequences of inadequate action are potentially much more catastrophic than previously anticipated.




MATH 19000, MATH 17300, MATH 19500, PHYS 21900, SUS 7200C, equivalent or consent of instructor.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.