
PHYS U3500 Introduction to Quantum Physics I

Introductory material, 2-slit experiment, matter waves and addition of amplitudes. Superposition principle, Uncertainty principle, properties of matter waves. Boundary conditions and energy level quantization and Schrodinger interpretation. Wave equation, application to one-dimensional problems, barrier penetration, Bloch states in solids and how bands form in solids. The universality of the harmonic oscillator potential, simple harmonic oscillator and applications. One-electron atoms, spin, transition rates. Identical particles and quantum statistics. Beyond the Schrodinger equation: variational methods and WKB. Required for Physics majors.




MATH 39100, MATH 39200; Pre/Coreq: PHYS 35100, PHYS 35400.

Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

PHYS U3600 Introduction to Quantum Physics II

Review of Schrodinger equation, Uncertainty principle. Formalism: Observables, Operators, etc. Application to simple cases: 2-level systems, electron in magnetic field; Angular momentum- Bohr model revisited; Magnetic properties of solids; Time-independent perturbation theory and applications; Time-dependent perturbation theory; Lasers, Masers, etc. Adiabatic processes: Berry's phase, when does phase matter? Quantum entanglement, Bell's theorem and recent experiments. Required for Physics majors.



Contact Hours

4 hr./wk.

PHYS U4500 Solid State Physics

Same as PHYS 55400.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

PHYS U5300 Photonics I - Laser Physics

Theory and application of lasers and masers. Physical principles underlying the design of lasers, coherent optics, and non-linear optics.




A course in modern physics (PHYS 55100 or PHYS 32100 or PHYS 32300) and a course in electricity and magnetism (PHYS 35400 or EE 33200).

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.