ME I4400 Nano/Micromechanics

Nano/Micromechanics encompass mechanics related to nano- and micro-structures of materials. In this course, the introduction to nano-scale science will be given first. Then the existing methods used to study nanomechanics of materials and the current research status on nanomechanics will be presented. In contrast to nanomechanics, micromechanics theory has been better developed. Green's function and Eshelby's solution of an ellipsoidal inclusion will be introduced first. Then the variety methods including self-consistent method, generalized self-consistent scheme, Mori-Tanaka's method, and differential scheme will be studied. Finally, a hierarchical approach from nano- to micro- to meso- to macro-scale will be discussed.


Undergraduate mechanics of materials ME 33000 or equivalent with departmental permission; symbolic language Matlab.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.