
ENGR H3800 Management Concepts for Engineers

An analysis of the basic concepts of planning, leading, controlling and organizing in a high technology environment is presented. Topics include: developing team based organizations, improving communications and interpersonal relations, engineering ethics, decision-making techniques, handling conflicts and effective time management, motivating workforces and developing leadership style.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ENGR H7600 Engineering and Business Law

Environmental law (E.L.) and Contract law (C.L.) are major components. The E.L. portion deals with salient features, particularly important to engineers, of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The C.L. portion deals with engineers' liabilities, contracts and breaches thereof, bids, bonds, subcontracts, assignments, extra work disputes and arbitration.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ENGR H8000 Decision and Planning Techniques for Engineering Management

Application of quantitative decision and planning tools to the problems of engineering management. Probability concepts. Decision making using probabilities. Inventory management and Just-In-Time tactics. Linear programming for optimal planning. Transportation and assignment problems. Job Shop scheduling. PERT/CPM and project management. Waiting lines. Statistical concepts with applications to quality control. Reliability analysis and maintenance strategy.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ENGR H8500 Project Management

The practical aspects of total engineering project management are discussed and a functional approach for present and future project managers to assure project performance is presented. The course emphasizes the key role of project managers to assure project completion on time and within cost and quality requirements. Techniques of project planning, budgeting, contracting and control are emphasized.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

ENGR H9300 Economics and Investment Analysis of Engineering Projects

The practical aspects of economic analysis of engineering projects and their salient investment features. It includes relevant aspects of basic engineering economics and factors affecting project investment decisions. Value of money, present worth and rate of return concepts will be examined. Use of these concepts in project decisions and consideration of alternatives will be discussed. Examples will be taken from state-of-the-art electrical engineering industries.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.