ECO B9900 Thesis Preparatory Course

In order to take this course, the student must have completed at least 27 MA level credits. (These must include the four core courses for the MA.) The student must meet with a faculty mentor and complete a form similar to the one required for Independent Study courses. The form must be signed off by the mentor, and reviewed and signed by the MA Program Director and the Department Chair. The faculty mentor will decide the minimal requirements that must be attained and completed before a grade may be granted for this course. These requirements will be explicitly stated in the form mentioned above. At a minimum, the requirements must include a clear statement of the title of the proposed thesis. 

The following must be provided: 

  1. A clear statement of hypothesis. 
  2. A clear statement of a methodology. Typically, this will include an explicitly articulated model. 
  3. A clear explanation of how inferences will be drawn from the model. 
  4. A clear statement of the data that will be used, including the source.