ChE I6200 Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces

This course introduces the students to surface phenomena related to polymers. Topics covered are: Statistical Nature of Polymers, Polydispersity & Branching; Molecular Weight and its Distribution; Flexibility; Global versus Local Properties; Average Dimensions of Polymer; Polymer Structure and Physical Properties; Diffusion Modes-Reconfiguration and Center of Mass Transport; Interfacial Thermodynamics; Molecular Interactions in Polymers (Van der Waals Forces, Additivity and Fractional Contributions of Various Types of Molecular Forces, Introduction to Mean-field and Monte Carlo approximation to polymer molecular configurations); Surface Energetics of Polymers (Measurement of Surface Tension, Calculation of Surface tension, Measurement of Solubility, Calculation of Solubility); Polymer-Liquid Interactions (Equilibrium Spreading Pressure, Polarity of Liquids, Contact Angle, Measurement and Prediction); Polymer-Polymer Interactions (Solubility of Polymers, Measurement of Solubility, Calculation of Solubility, Prediction of Interfacial Tension of Polymers, in the melt and solid state); Applications (Adhesion, Blending, Adsorption, Permeation).




Undergraduate degree in engineering, or permission of the instructor.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.