EDUC 20500 Adolescent Learning and Development

How theories and research on learning and development manifest themselves in urban settings for teachers of adolescents. Teacher-centered and student-centered, human and technology-based approaches promoting independent, self-regulated adolescent learners. Cultural implications and classroom applications: learning, intelligence, motivation, affect, parenting styles, and development (cognitive, social moral), classroom communication and management strategies. Fieldwork activities in exemplary junior high and high school classrooms structured to meet State standard and to help prepare students to pass the ATS-W/EAS examination.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.; plus 15 hours fieldwork

EDUC 20600 Obsrv Chldrn & Devl

This course is grounded in the notion that how children think, how their language develops, and how their families, their culture, and their environment influences and shapes them affect how they learn in school. Salient themes explored include the child as a maker of meaning, the nature of intelligence, attachment, gender identification, and the social context of development (i.e., race, culture, and class). 



Contact Hours

3 hours

EDUC 22100 Urban Schools in a Diverse American Society

The social context of schooling. An inquiry into the philosophy, history, sociology, quality, immigration, and the education of children from non-dominant cultures. Digital technology will be used as much as possible in data gathering. (Students may not receive credit for both EDUC 22100 and EDCE 22200.)



Contact Hours

Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 hr./wk.

EDUC 22200 Schl Amer Soc Blng

Analysis of selected social, political and economic forces that influence the school as an institution, and in turn are influenced by the school, especially in urban settings. Special attention to immigrant, bilingual and language minority groups. (Students may not receive credit for both EDUC 22100 and EDUC 22200.) 



Contact Hours

3 hours