SCIE - Science Education Course Descriptions

SCIE 33000 Science Engagement in Non-Formal Environments

This course focuses on science and science learning and engagement in out-of-school settings such as museums, botanical gardens, zoos, parks, and after-school community organizations. Students will gain experience in evaluating scientific research and findings in the context of exhibits, after-school activities, social media, and science writing.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

SCIE 36000 Exploration of Non-Formal Learning Resources

This course is an opportunity to visit and observe non-formal science learning institutions such as museums, zoos, botanical gardens, and community-based organizations.




SCIE 33000

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

SCIE 44000 Science Practice across Disciplines

This course explores the nature of science in varied scientific disciplines. It begins with an overview of the philosophy of science and then uses case studies from the different domains of science to investigate the role of disciplinary context in science. Each class will include a component bringing the nature of science and scientific thinking to the learning of science.




SCIE 33000

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

SCIE 47000 Science Engagement Internship I

This course is a chance to participate in a science learning and engagement opportunity in a non-formal setting. Sponsor organizations will have an onsite supervisor that gives assignments, evaluates work, and ensures that internship is a valuable educational experience. Permission from instructor required.



Contact Hours

1 hr./wk.

SCIE 48000 Science Engagement Internship II

This course is a chance to participate in a science learning and engagement opportunity in a non-formal setting. Sponsor organizations will have an onsite supervisor that gives assignments, evaluates work, and ensures that internship is a valuable educational experience. Permission from instructor required.



Contact Hours

2 hr./wk.

SCIE 49000 Science Engagement Internship III

This course is a chance to participate in a science learning and engagement opportunity in a non-formal setting. Sponsor organizations will have an onsite supervisor that gives assignments, evaluates work, and ensures that internship is a valuable educational experience. Permission from instructor required.



Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.