EE 45200 Fiber Optic Communications

This course is intended to provide the basic materials for an introductory senior or first-year graduate course in the theory and application of optical fiber communication technology with emphasis on both digital and analog point-to-point very-high-bit-rate long haul optical transmission systems. Topics covered include: an overview of the fundamental components of advantages of optical fibers relative to other transmission media; basic laws and definitions of optics that are relevant to optical fibers; degradation of light signals arising from attenuation and distortion mechanisms; main devices encountered in a fiber optic system, light sources, light detectors. Analog and digital modulation formats at the transmitter: theory and design of receivers, noise and detection for optical fiber links; performance analysis and design of both digital and analog point-to-point very high bit-rate long-haul optical transmission systems.




EE 31200, EE 33300, EE 44100.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.