CSC 44700 Introduction to Machine Learning

This course will provide a theoretical and hands‐on introduction to the basics of machine learning and its application to various real‐world problems. The course focuses on supervised learning problems including classification and regression. The course also discusses reinforcement learning. Unsupervised learning techniques such for dimension reduction and clustering will also be discussed. A wide range of different machine algorithms will be surveyed such as k-nearest-neighbors, polynomial curve fitting, logistic regression, support vector machines, decision trees, ensemble methods, and artificial neural networks. The course will also discuss ethical considerations in the application of machine learning. The course will be a feature a final project demonstrating mastery of the material..




CSC 22000, CSC 22100, MATH 21300 or MATH 20300 (min. C grade), and MATH 34600 (min. C grade).

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.