CHE 31000 Introduction to Materials Science

Basic concepts in the behavior of solid materials. Atomic bonding; crystal structure; crystal defects; alloys; insulators; metals. Mechanisms of corrosion; selection of materials of construction.




CHE 22900; pre- or coreq.: CHE 34100.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 31100 Analysis of Chemical Processes

This course will provide an introduction to chemical processes.  Constitutive equations governing heat transfer by conduction, mass transfer by diffusion and convection, and momentum transfer through fluids will be introduced and compared, with emphasis on their common features, namely, driving force, resistance, material and environmental constraints, and Arrhenius temperature dependence.  The distinction between equilibrium, steady state, and dynamic operation will be presented.  Chemical process units such as mixers, separators, and reactors will be introduced within this framework to illustrate real-world applications of these processes.  Conceptual design of experiments to isolate and quantify relevant parameters will also be covered, along with quantitative analysis topics including estimation, order of magnitude analysis, and sensitivity analysis.




CHEM 10401 (C min); MATH 21300 or MATH 20300 (C min); PHYS 20700 (C min)


CHE 22900

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 31400 Introduction to Process Safety

This course aims at giving students a safety culture nowadays necessary in any engineering position. General occupational safety, industrial hygiene and toxicology will be first introduced. Then specific hazards and risks inherent to the chemical industry will be discussed and related to the means to mitigate them. Both technical, organizational and ethical issues aspects will be treated thru lectures, case studies, hands on projects and self-learning (using Level 2 SACHE free online certificate programs).




CHE 43200, CHE 47900, CHE 49500. Students will also be required to have completed upfront the four Level 1 SACHE online certificate programs (free for undergraduate students members of AICHE).

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 33000 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II

Partial molar quantities. Thermodynamics of solutions. Activities and fugacities. Modeling of thermodynamic parameters. Chemical reaction equilibrium. The free energy minimization procedure for complex chemical reactions.




Pre: (ChE 22800, ChE 22900, ChE 31100 and MATH 39100 MIN C) or CE 26400 (for ESE Students Only); AND Co: ChE 22800 and Phys 20800

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 34100 Transport Phenomena I

Introduction to the continuum theories of the transport of momentum, energy, and matter. Equations of continuity, motion, and energy for steady and unsteady state. Fluid mechanics, Navier-Stokes equations, boundary-layer theory, integral methods. Turbulent flow.




CHE 22900, MATH 39100.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 34200 Transport Phenomena II

Applications of the equations of change to heat and mass transport. Analytical and numerical methods in the analysis of heat conduction. Diffusion in binary and multicomponent mixtures. Heat and mass transfer in laminar and turbulent flow. Radiant heat transfer. Interphase transfer.




CHE 34100, MATH 39200.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 34500 Separations Operations

Principles of single-stage and multi-stage contacting equipment. Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams. Analytical and graphical solutions to steady and unsteady state problems applied to liquid extraction, distillation, gas absorption, stripping, and other stage operations for binary and multicomponent systems.




CHE 22800; pre-. or coreq.: CHE 33000; CHE 34200.

Contact Hours

3 hr./wk.

CHE 34600 Transport Operations

Flow through pipes, packed and fluidized beds, and filtration equipment. Design of flow systems with non-Newtonian fluids and compressible flows. Design of continuous contacting equipment for heat and mass transfer; heat exchangers, packed towers. Laboratory component emphasizes the performance or experiments in the topics listed above, analysis of the experimental data including its statistical reliability and comparison against standard models.




CHE 34100; pre- or coreq.: CHE 34200.

Contact Hours

3 lect., 3 lab hr./wk.