Information Systems, Master of Science (M.S.)

Admission Requirements

Students entering the program are expected to have a technical or scientific bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Specifically, a B.A. or B.S. degree in science or a B.S. or B.E. degree in engineering with a minimum GPA of 3.00 is essential for admission. Provision is made for students with a strong background in an area related to Computer Science.
Admission to the program is for the fall term only, and limited to 35 students. Selection is made through the careful evaluation of the academic background and work experience of each applicant. This program does not admit international applicants.

M.S. Degree Requirements

Required Courses (24 credits)

Students must complete the following eight courses (with permission of the department, up to two courses may be replaced by graduate courses in Computer Science, Economics, or Psychology). All courses are 3 credits each unless otherwise specified.

Course NumberTitleCredits
MIS H1010Statistics and Decision Making


MIS H2011Trends in Information Technology


MIS H2020Database Management


MIS H2030Networking and Security


MIS H4010System Analysis and Design


MIS H3010Managerial Economics


MIS H3020Developing Management Skills


MIS H3030Organization and Management


MIS G5010Seminar in Information System Management


MIS G3010: Economics B9513

MIS G3030: Economics B9514

Additional Requirements (6 credits)

Students must complete two of the following 3 credit courses in the same semester:

Course NumberTitleCredits
MIS H5020Project in Information System Management


Total Credit Hours: 30