Mathematics, Master of Science (M.S.)


Students who have not completed undergraduate real analysis or upper-division proof-based advanced calculus courses deemed equivalent to MATH 32300 and MATH 32404 will be required to complete this sequence immediately upon admission; students who have not completed a satisfactory course in linear algebra will be required to complete MATH 34600 or its equivalent during their first semester. No credit toward the M.S. is given for any of these courses.

Degree Requirements

M.S. degree in Mathematics:

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleCredits
Three B-level courses in Mathematics


Additional graduate courses in Mathematics


Graduate courses in other mathematically based disciplines*


*Prior approval for such courses must be secured from a Graduate Mathematics Advisor.

Total Credit Hours: 30

Additional Requirements

Thesis: None required.

Comprehensive Examination: A written or oral examination is required on all or part of the work counting toward the degree unless waived by the Graduate Advisor.

Foreign Language Proficiency: None required.