Spanish, Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Requirements

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleCredits

One of the following two: (3 credits)

Course NumberTitleCredits
SPAN V0100History of the Spanish Language


SPAN V0600Spanish Morphology and Syntax



Course NumberTitleCredits
SPAN V0300Introduction to Methods of Research


Graduate Electives


Total Credit Hours: 33

The graduate electives (27 credits) are to be taken from among the courses offered by the department. With the permission of the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee, a maximum of nine graduate credits may be taken in another Department or Division of the College.

Additional Requirements

Essay in Lieu of Thesis: A term essay approved by two members of the graduate faculty is required.

Comprehensive Examination: A written comprehensive examination is required.

Foreign Language Proficiency: Students must demonstrate their ability to read, write and speak Spanish. In addition, they must show a reading knowledge of a second foreign language by passing the Foreign Language Qualifying Examination.