
Mohamed A. Ali, Professor

B.S., Azar Univ. (Egypt); M.S., The City College; Ph.D., CUNY

Joseph Barba, Professor, School of Engineering

B.E., The City College, M.E.; Ph.D., CUNY

Roger Dorsinville, Herbert Kayser Professor and Chair

B.S., Moscow State Univ. (Russia), M.S., Ph.D.

Alexander Gilerson, Professor

B.S., Technical Univ. (Kazan, Russia), M.S. , Ph.D.

Barry M. Gross, Professor

B.A. (Physics/Math), Yeshiva Univ.; M.S. , The City College; Ph.D. , CUNY

Ibrahim W. Habib, Professor

B.S., Ain Shams Univ. (Egypt); M.S., Polytechnic Univ. of New York; Ph.D., CUNY

Ping-Pei Ho, Professor

B.S., Tsing-Hun Univ.(Taiwan); M.B.A., Kent State Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY

Alexander Khanikaev, Professor

B.S., Moscow State Univ. (Russia), M.S., Ph.D.

Bruce Kim, Associate Professor

B.S., Univ. of California, Irvine; M.S., Univ. of Arizona; Ph.D. (ECE), Georgia Inst. of Technology

Myung Jong Lee, Professor

B.S., Seoul National Univ. (Korea), M.S.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.

Nicholas Madamopoulos, Associate Professor

B.S., University of Patras (Greece); M.S., CREOL/School of Optics, Ph.D.

Jamal T. Manassah, Professor

B.S., American Univ. of Beirut (Lebanon); M.A., Columbia Univ., Ph.D.

Ahmed Mohamed, Associate Professor

B.S, Minia University (Egypt); M.S., Florida International University, Ph.D.

Fred Moshary, Professor

B.S. (Applied Physics), Cornell Univ., M.S. ; Ph.D. (Applied Physics), Columbia Univ.

Truong-Thao Nguyen, Associate Professor

M.Sc., Princeton Univ.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.

Leonid Roytman, Professor

B.S., Moscow Polytechnical (Russia), M.S.; Ph.D., Novosibirsk Polytechnical Inst. (Russia)

Tarek N. Saadawi, Professor

B.Sc., Cairo Univ. (Egypt), M.Sc.; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland

Samah Saeed , Assistant Professor,

B.Sc., Kuwait Univ. (Kuwait), M.Sc.; Ph.D., New York Univ.

Sang-Woo Seo, Associate Professor

B.S., Ajou University (Korea); M.S., Kwanju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea); Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology

Aidong Shen, Professor

B.S., Xiamen Univ. (China); Ph.D., SIOFM (China)

Kenneth Sobel, Professor

B.E., The City College; M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Ph.D.

Yi Sun, Associate Professor

B.S., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China), M.S.; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota

Yingli Tian, Distinguished Professor

B.S.,Tianjin Univ.(China), M.S.; Ph.D., Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong

M. Ümit Uyar, Professor

B.S., Istanbul Teknik Univ. (Turkey); M.S., Cornell Univ., Ph.D.

Ardie D. Walser, Professor and Associate Dean

B.E., The City College, M.E.; Ph.D., CUNY

Professors Emeriti

Samir Ahmed

Micheal Conner

Demos Eitzer

Irving Meth

Donald L. Schilling

Norman Scheinberg

Fred Thau

Richard Tolimieri