Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Ph.D. Degree Requirements

Requirements for Admission

To be eligible for admission, an applicant must possess a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering or in a closely related area appropriate to the intended field of study from an accredited institution. The applicant's academic record must demonstrate promise of superior performance in advanced study and research. The general Graduate Record Examination is recommended, and International students from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 550 or better to be considered for admission.

Requirements for the Ph.D.

Candidates for the Ph.D. degree must:

  1. Obtain, by completion of 30 credits of graduate work, the consent of a faculty member to act as his/her research mentor
  2. Satisfactorily complete 60 credits of approved graduate work (30 credits beyond the masters degree), of which at least 30 must be taken at the City University; (up to 12 of these credits may be in research).
  3. Pass a qualifying examination in Civil Engineering, consisting of tests in mathematics and specialization topics from first year graduate civil engineering curriculum, with a grade of excellent or high pass (First Examination)
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in those research tools considered appropriate by the faculty in the field of specialization
  5. Present orally and in writing and defend a plan of proposed research (Second Examination)
  6. Satisfactorily complete, not later than 8 years after matriculation, a dissertation which embodies original research and is a publishable contribution to engineering and/or science; for a student who is matriculated after the completion of at least 30 credits of acceptable work, this time will be reduced to 7 years
  7. Present and orally defend the dissertation (Third Examination).