Landscape Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)

Programs and Objectives

Master of Landscape Architecture Program (Program Director - Professor Catherine Seavitt Nordenson)

Landscape architecture plays an essential role in connecting justice to environmental design and the ecological infrastructures of the urban realm. The mission of the Master of Landscape Architecture Program is to prepare students to be leaders in the field of landscape architecture through innovative research and practice in urban ecological design, planning, and policymaking. The program aims to reimagine and rethink the profession’s current and future challenges through the lens of social, environmental, and multi-species justice, including rapid urbanization, resource extraction and management, the interface of nature and technology, ongoing species extinctions, and the climate emergency. The curriculum engages critical thinking about complex and indeterminate systems, empowering students to implement actionable change across multiple scales of the urban landscape.

Landscape architecture is a discipline that physically transforms the surface of the earth — it literally changes the world and the world’s systemic flows. As designers and thinkers, we work with biotic and abiotic networks of human and non-human actors. Our discipline also has the capacity to radically rethink and transform social networks, and we are especially well-poised to respond to the climate emergency with both mitigation and adaptation strategies. Our program attracts activist students who seek to rethink accepted paradigms and implement actionable change in the public realm and the quality of public space in terms of equity, accessibility, and justice: climate justice, social justice, environmental justice, and multispecies justice. Transforming the profession begins in the academy. Our landscape architecture program is committed to challenging the entrenched biases and historical canons of landscape architecture that have too long been accepted as the norm, and we support the clarity and resonance of our students’ diverse voices in the field.

The graduate programs at the Spitzer School of Architecture share a transdisciplinary design-research environment of year-long vertical studios, a modified adaptation of the “unit system” developed by Alvin Boyarsky in London in the early 1970s. First-year MLA students enroll in a foundation year of coursework addressing design thinking across nature and culture while building digital, technical, ecological, and critical-thinking skills. Second-year and third-year MLA students enroll in advanced year-long landscape architecture design studios that are paired with a co-required course each semester. They also take two additional courses each semester that engage with technical, ecological, and professional practice topics. The advanced vertical studios merge the design studios with co-required and coordinated coursework addressing design research, advanced digital representation, and history/theory. The vertical studios address “wicked problems” in landscape architecture through extended design thinking, and produce an integrated environment in which students and professors work synthetically across disciplines for a two-semester engagement with exploratory research and projective design

Requirements for the M.L.A. Degree

Master of Landscape Architecture First Professional Degree

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More

Semester 1

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More
LAAR 61100Landscape Architecture Studio I


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61400 LAAR 61300
LAAR 61300Landscape Technology I


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61400, LAAR 61100
LAAR 61400Digital and Traditional Drawing


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61100. LAAR 61300
LAAR 61500Introduction to Ecology/Plant Identification


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation

Semester 2

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More
LAAR 62100Landscape Architecture Studio II


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61100LAAR 62200 and LAAR 62300
LAAR 62200Introduction to Landscape Architecture History


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 62100, LAAR 62300
LAAR 62300Landscape Technology II


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61300LAAR 62100, LAAR 62200
LAAR 62700Urban Ecology


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61500

Semester 3

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More
LAAR 63100Landscape Architecture Studio III


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 62100LAAR 66200, LAAR 63300
LAAR 66200Advanced Visual Representation


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 61400LAAR 63100, LAAR 63300
LAAR 63300Environmental Planning


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 62700LAAR 66200 and LAAR 63100
LAAR 65160Urban Plants


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation

Semester 4

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More
LAAR 64100Landscape Architecture Studio IV


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 63100LAAR 64400
LAAR 64400Planting Design


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 65160LAAR 64100
Elective (Urbanism)


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
Elective (History)


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation

Semester 5

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More
LAAR 64700Landscape Restoration


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 65100 and LAAR 64150
LAAR 65100Landscape Architecture Studio V


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 64100LAAR 64150, LAAR 64700
LAAR 65300Professional Practice


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 62300
LAAR 64150Design Research


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 65100, LAAR 64700

Semester 6

Course NumberTitleCreditsSee More
LAAR 66100Landscape Architecture Studio VI


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
LAAR 65100
Elective (Professional)


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
Elective (History)


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
Elective General


Special NotesPre or Co-requisitesPre-requisite for MajorGeneral Education Designation
Total Credit Hours:90