Advanced Standing

Students who have completed graduate work at other regionally accredited institutions may receive advanced standing toward the master’s degree, pending approval of the CCNY departmental graduate advisor and the divisional dean. Courses considered for advanced standing must have been taken within a five-year period preceding matriculation at City College. The maximum number of credits awarded for advanced standing is:


  1. Up to six credits in advanced standing may be allowed for graduate work satisfactorily completed at institutions other than The City College of New York, provided that the program head deems the work appropriate to the student’s program of study. An official transcript must accompany this completed form and submitted to The Admissions Office.
  2. The course or courses for which such credit is sought must have been completed within the three-year period prior to the date of matriculation in the graduate program.
College of Liberal Arts and Science 12*
Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
(M. Arch. I) 36
(M.L.A. I) 30
(M.U.P, M. Arch II; M.L.A. II) 0
Grove School of Engineering 6
School of Education 6

*Advanced standing will be granted for graduate courses in visual arts from accredited art schools.